Sunday, September 18, 2005

Phone Comments

This post could also be called e-mail comments.
Some people read this blog and then call me or e-mail me to comment.
Because they don't want to register as bloggers.
And the answer is: FALSE.
Yup. Because before this blog had restricted comments you could make anonymous comments.
Then it was because you didn't want to be anonymous.
FALSE again, you could sign those anonymous comments.
Because you make comments that could give you or me in or be in some way dangerous to my own anonymity.
This was pretty much the point I quit the last argument on this issue.


Right, now for all of you: if you want to comment here I thank you very much for it. If you want to comment by phone, snail mail, smoke signs or whatever I thank you just the same.
If you don't want to comment I won't thank you for your input. I thank you for reading it, but not for the comments.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Funny, I was thinking about this yesterday...I was wondering if other bloggers read other people's blogs and don't comment.

Sometimes I don't comment because my mind is in neutral that day.

18/9/05 14:46  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Well, some people do comment 'outside' the blog. My point when I started insisting they should comment here instead of e-mailing me or calling was that if the comments were made here everybody could share. But it really makes no difference, I guess.

18/9/05 14:52  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

The cowardice of people knows no bounds. Come on, what could be LESS threatening to our personas than commenting on a blog!?! In internet land, we have true anonymity. Who is gyana gal? Who is isa,ise? Who is bunnyjo? They are all personas we've created for our on-line adventures. We're already hiding to some extent. Why hassle further with anonymous postings and surrupticious emails? I just don't get the cowardice of intellect that would require people to post so privately that it isn't a post at all but rather an email only to be read by your eyes!??! Perhaps that is the ULTIMATE narcissism. Dunno. But it sure makes me steam.

18/9/05 15:09  
Blogger DCveR said...

bunny jo: No, no, no. They do comment, but they don't want you guys to see what they say. And I must confess that some of the comments they make are safer out of general view.

18/9/05 17:55  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Well, I find comments to be good for my ego:) BUT, Im very glad that certain know-too-much people keep their mouth shut in the comments section, and rather wants to comment elsewhere... Too many ghosts in the closet at times:)

18/9/05 18:32  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Oh how funny. I can totally relate to your experience, but you're damned whichever way you turn. I have given up on trying to understand people's psychology on commenting. I think the slow response on emails to me should hopefully shift them into the comments box.

18/9/05 21:42  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: That is why I stopped insisting, maybe I should simply be glad.

nml: If people read, come back and read again and they feel like commenting outside the comments box it's up to them. It's just that sometimes they say stuff that really is worth reading, but like isa, isae maybe I really should be happy not everything they say gets here.

18/9/05 22:30  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Comments are e-mailed to me regularly. For the most part I'm not fond of that practice.

19/9/05 04:41  
Blogger DCveR said...

isis: Hi! A friend in Sevilla? Then you must visit your friend and while you are at it take a drive and visit Portugal too! Of course my advice is biased, but you have your friends opinion and it seems to me it is not a bad one!

bent: So you too have people who read your blog and know you in every day life?

tall glass: Yup, those are the ones. People who know a lot more than what is published or ever will be.

19/9/05 07:17  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

dcver: OK then!! Please publish your phone number. I didn't realize calling you was an option! ;)

22/9/05 07:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

Kris: calling is only an option for those who have the numbers.

22/9/05 08:35  

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