Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My Mom's B-Day today

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

The truth is we didn't always get along.
Things are a lot better now.
My parents and I had lunch together and it actually was fun.
And all in all she is still my mother.
If for nothing else I have to thank her for being here.
Among other people.
Dad, she couldn't have had me alone.
Doc. A. who saved me at birth (asfixiated by cord).
Doc. M.L., who saved me when I was a little baby (a story that is not for now, maybe some other day).
C. who saved me some years later (same thing as previous story).
A. - (yada, yada).
R. - (yada, yada).

All this said, I come to the conclusion I owe my life at least to 7 people.
You can say I'm a pretty lucky guy just for being still alive.
Or you can say I'm quite unlucky for being prone to accidents (although the truth is sometimes I push it a bit too much).
Whatever your opinion is the fact remains, I am here, I am posting and mom is one year older.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Feliz aniversario a sua mae!

Gee, you do put her through a lot, don't you Dcver? :-)

14/9/05 18:01  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

I like your thought about how in order for us to exist today, there are people out there that, without their cooperation, we actually wouldn't be here. Hmmm...shall we be thanking these people or sending them a poop-gram?

14/9/05 18:24  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Obrigado. I was not exactly a saint when I was a child, but that is only natural because I am not exactly a saint now either.

bunny jo: To the ones I owe I am thanking, but now that you mention it I could send a poop-gram to the parents of some folks... if I manage to get their address that is.

14/9/05 18:38  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy birthday alla Mamma!!! Brava Mamma!!!

waw- so your life has been in danger many times eh-- i think its because you insist on jumping out of planes, scaling walls of ancient castles and clif hanging to snap pictures of cool birds... etc... of course you need saving

14/9/05 19:21  
Blogger Cream said...

"There is no cure for the common birthday." John Glenn once said.
We keep getting it once a year.

If you hear me sneezing it's because I am allergic to birthdays.

14/9/05 20:05  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

DCvR, if that was a sly request for my mother's address, just to let you're fishing a dry hole, buddy! :)

14/9/05 20:13  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: Grazia tanta! Obrigado! Of those the only one you got right was the cliff hanging, and even so it wasn't completely right, it wasn't for a picture, just for fun.

cream: At least it still is better than the alternative. Anyway, bless you!

bunny jo: Ok, now I really don't know what the heck are you talking about. Why on earth would I want your mom's address? Your mom of all people. Is there a double sense to this and I am failing to grasp it or did you loose all your marbles?

14/9/05 20:44  

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