Monday, September 12, 2005

More death threats

This is part of the speech in a new video tape with threats (click on the text to see the news):

"Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, God willing. At this time, don't count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion," the tape warned. "We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators."

If this is Islam, then from now on I don't mind if people say I am anti-Islam.
They say they love peace. Their actions say they only want terror and they seek supremacy. When words and actions disagree the second ones prevail.
Terrorists can not murder innocent people and afterwards claim they really want peace.
Peace on their terms? What are their terms? The whole world living the way they see fit?

Whenever we visit, stay or live in Islamic nations we have to respect their laws and traditions regardless of our own. Ok, fair enough, it's their country.
But whenever we demand the same respect they claim we must allow them to live according to their laws and traditions in our own countries, if we don't give in it means we are racists, that we are discriminating and all the usual sad song they play in western countries.

In France they “demanded” the government to allow them to send their children to school wearing burkhas, the teachers were complaining they couldn’t recognize the girls, the government banned the burkhas at school and the Muslim community accused the government of fascism.

In Canada the Muslim community wants to settle all family issues according to Muslim law instead of going to regular court.

This is a complete lack of respect for our laws and institutions.
Who is discriminating who? Who is seeking supremacy? We don’t see Atheists, Catholic, Protestant or Jews demanding exemption from the law due to their religion, why should the Muslims be above the law then?

It is true that every rich country tries to take advantage of poorer countries.
It is also true that in every country rich people exploit poorer people.
This is wrong indeed, this should be changed indeed.
But killing someone rich just because someone else who happened to be also rich has just fired our cousin makes no sense.
Yet this is the deviant kind of logics these people use.

Our police forces can’t ‘screen’ all those who go into mosques because that would be discrimination, because that would be attempting against the rights of the innocent Muslims. THIS IS BULLSHIT.
What about my rights whenever I fly? What about my rights whenever I go inside a potential terrorist target?

The majority of the Muslims are in fact innocent and have nothing to do with the terrorists, so they say.
If this is true how come the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks in Madrid and London were living in Muslim neighborhoods and nobody reported their activities?

Unless these terrorists are in fact the true Islam, the Muslim community should help bringing these murderers to justice.
Harboring the terrorists, feeding them, giving them money is not being innocent.


Blogger portuguesa nova said...

I don't know about the majority of Muslims, but I do know that this type of behavior is not representative of any Muslim I know...not a single one. Not even close.

12/9/05 05:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. Just how exactly is violence and terrorism going to even the playing field? its as if humanity has learned nothing.

12/9/05 06:19  
Blogger Mike said...

You know what the problem is? Too many goofy religions. Too many people basing their actions on old books.

That's my atheist point of view.

12/9/05 06:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

portuguesa nova: I would love to say the same, but the fact is I've seen several Muslims right here in Portugal taking stands that are far from condemnation of these acts. Some of them people I know.

bees knees: As far as I can see it all should start with respect, but not only our respect for them,it must be reciprocal.

viking: For all that I care they can base their whole ideology on Donald Duck. What I can not agree is either with terrorism or with their impositions on our way of life. Just the same way I don't tolerate the Vatican's attempts to rule our way of life either

12/9/05 08:36  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

They are fundamentalists, extremists... and from what I understand, the 'standard' Muslim religion doesn't preach their brand of crazy jihad-based perspective. But I agree with you DC... overall I think organized religion is just a way to control mass groups of people, which is why I dropped out of Catholic church a long time ago.

12/9/05 10:11  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: You are right when you say they are extremists. You can even say that Catholic extremists or Jew extremists are not any better and I will agree with you. But the fact remains, they 'hide' among the Muslim communities and nobody gives them away to the authorities, that in itself is being favorable to their actions, if not by helping them directly at least by not taking a stand against them. That is all I wish the Muslim communities to do: take a stand to help stopping this madness, not only by words but by actions.

12/9/05 10:34  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hmm, but what about the millions of other Muslims who live far away...don't live near extremists, and don't have a clue about what the extremists are up to?

12/9/05 11:49  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: What about them? Do they stand by these actions? Would they hide these murderers in their midst?
I guess you mean those who would answer no to these questions, that being the case what about them? I hold no grudge nor prejudice against the Koran and those who follow it, in as much as they respect other's liberties and rights, specially the right of beeing alive.

12/9/05 11:57  
Blogger Unknown said...

with you 100% - they should not be harbouring them feeding them etc etc--

i have some muslim friends, and they're so appalled by what the terrorists are doing that they are almost compelled to not talk to other muslims because they do not want to be assosiated with that entire community anymore...

12/9/05 17:33  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

What I mean, it's not fair to tar everyone with the same brush...and yes, they do speak out, and religious leaders do speak out.

12/9/05 18:45  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: My point was not getting the good apples out of the basket, but maybe that can be a solution two.

GG: That is not my idea either, but in order to treat them in different ways they have to take a stand and the religious leaders in the arab countries, from what I get in the news, never take a strong position against the terrorists, they never tell the believers they should not follow the terrorists, and I am talking about the better ones, some are clearly on the terrorists side. Even their leaders here in Portugal started by saying they couldn't be persecuted because they had nothing to do with it but at the same time they said they would never refuse sanctuary to a believer. Is this taking a stand? Of course I am against indiscriminate persecution, but if a community offers santuary to a murderer that community is not innocent, as far as I can see it. Also you should not forget that several of the terrorists caught so far had diplomatic passports, another thing I deem inconceivable. I don't want to throw stones at the innocent Muslims, but as a friend of mine pointed out, some of them are not compromising themselves just in case the terrorists do 'win', that in itself is taking sides.

12/9/05 19:05  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

I have written in the past that at some point there needs to be a MASS and VISIBLE movement of muslims against Al-Qaeda and theri like, or eventually the average Muslim will have to shoulder some of the blame.

13/9/05 15:30  
Blogger Mike said...

Every religion has a certain tendency to bring up extremists. And every religion has brought up extremists. Islam just happens to be primed for it right now.

On a similar note, do you know how many times the word 'jihad' appears in the Koran?

13/9/05 19:01  
Blogger DCveR said...

phoenix: Not completely unusual for me to fully agree with you. But as in most religious affairs the crowd of believers follows sheepishly the path laid by their leaders, so the initiative must come from the religious leaders.

Viking: And the Catholic church is prodigal on that in its history: the fights before the first council of Nicaea, even the schism itself, killing Catars and their likes, Calvinists, Lutherans, Jews. Not forgetting the crusades, of course.
‘jihad’ ?! Not once that I know of, is there a different version?

13/9/05 19:21  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: But there is no need for 'jihad' to appear as a word, as the war-mongers among the Muslim can tell you. Currently it seems it appears 164 times, although not literally, according to those who want to make it ok to slay innocents.

13/9/05 19:24  
Blogger DCveR said...

orange rainddrops: Hi,welcome. I agree with you, but their among 'their own people' there are those who are against them and those or are favorable to them, the division is already set, there is no doing anything about it. And believe me I want world peace too, but peace with submission to murderers, without fear of terrorists.

14/9/05 15:23  
Blogger Mike said...

Oops, word... concept... same thing really. The thing is, where it does appear, or appear to appear, it's the kind of thing that can easily be misinterpreted. That's when it becomes ok to kill innocents. And you'll be rewarded for it.

14/9/05 16:45  

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