Saturday, September 17, 2005

Mea culpa - regarding last post

The idiot mentioned in last post is a friend of a friend.
I already knew the guy was not the brightest bulb in the tree.
My friend asked me to help him out setting things for his final project.
SO it was my fault.
My fault because I said yes I'll help that thick headed friend of yours.
My fault because I didn't simply say to the guy: forget it you're too dumb to use this.
My friend already apologized for bringing me this problem.
And we got a few good laughs on it all.
And I've learned my lesson: next time if I see someone too stupid to do something instead of trying to teach the right way of doing it and hope for the best I'll simply say: "no way you can do that, you're not up to it, you're just too dumb".
High pressure, high vacuum, glassware, flammable solvents, high temperatures and an idiot.
Guess I was something of an idiot too, otherwise I would have seen it coming.


Blogger DCveR said...

penny lane: He had no serious injuries, just a few minor cuts and a lot of damage to the equipment.

17/9/05 19:52  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Was this a chemistry thing that went went wrong? ("glassware, solvents, high temps" etc.) Can you give us a clue as to the type of equipment it was?

And people are people, they have to learn the hard way.

17/9/05 20:45  
Blogger DCveR said...

His final project was on chemical engineering, he had several "reactors" connected, some starting products, heating devices, a compressor and a turbomolecular pump. Not wanting to enter into details, instead of his aimed end product he got an implosion, because one of the reactors had been replaced with another one with straight walls instead of round (that way he could skip a few steps and get a better yield so he thought). You see, turbomolecular pumps deliver a very powerful vacuum, his system could have stood it had it been used as it was meant to. He had done the first tests with a water tromp, a vacuum device that has very little suction power, of course the straight glass walls sustained the little vacuum for a few seconds. High vacuum is another story altogether.

17/9/05 21:11  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said... that guy in the right job?

17/9/05 21:15  
Blogger Mike said...

Ouch. I hope that was his final project.

17/9/05 22:27  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: That guy is wrong in any job, if you ask me. He is the kind of guy that never asks questions, always knows everything and then screws everything up. Seriously he could be a cartoon character.

viking: From his supervisor comments, at least in that lab it was final.

17/9/05 22:47  
Blogger Cream said...

When a French butcher loses a finger they say: "C'est le métier qui rentre!" He's learning the job.

When he loses a hand, he gets the sack! "C'est l'apprenti qui sort!"

17/9/05 23:24  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: I wouldn't trust this guy with a butcher knifge either, now that you mention that!

18/9/05 12:51  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I am never going to drink tea while reading your blog again :-D

18/9/05 23:09  

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