Friday, September 02, 2005

Next Blog Button

From time to time I used to press the Next Blog button and check some random blogs. This is how I started reading some of the blogs I now link to and read (almost) everyday.
It's a nice way to find new people from different places.
Or better yet, it was a nice way.
Now whenever I press the thing I get a bunch of spam blogs and almost no real blogs.
Guess I'd better stick to surfing the links of the blogs I like to read. The problem there is it gets a bit restrictive. Like minded people tend to link reciprocally. If one follows their links chances are one will get more like minded people instead of different view points. Not bad in a way but not mind broadening on the other hand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, they *are* almost all spam. Super lame. Try this page:

at least it shows a list that you can sort of pick out the real blogs from the fake ones, sometimes!

2/9/05 18:02  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I know what you mean. Darn. There I am, being like-minded.

I read left wing, right wing, middle...maybe I should put all the links on my blog but it's so tedious.

Oh, one of the reasons I enjoy your blog? I never know what I'll find from day to day, and I enjoy when you don't agree :-)

2/9/05 20:24  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Guess I'm one of the lucky few. I've never been spammed. Though I know it will eventually happen.

2/9/05 21:21  
Blogger DCveR said...

bees knees: I've tried sorting by title but those vermin are getting smarter, now they use names that seem real blogs. Tks a lot anyway.

tacit: I like people who think the way I do. Nothing wrong with that. It's just that I like to know how do others think also. Assuming others do think. ;)

GG: Same here, I never know what will come out next, something out of my twisted mind, news, pix or some other thing.

bent: Don't complain about being lucky, please...;) And this is just the little tip of the iceberg. My e-mail filters on my private and business addresses only let something like 7% of the mails pass, the rest is spam.

2/9/05 22:15  
Blogger Mike said...

Oh I hate those. They don't even seem to serve a purpose. Most of them are just text, no links to anywhere that could actually make money. Just nonsense.

3/9/05 04:33  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

I cant figure out what makes people create all that bullshit... Do they get filthy stinkin rich or what?! Yesterday I checked my e-mail, and had 28 messages, and 204 reported spam-mails....

3/9/05 08:42  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: still didn't figure out yet the purpose on those ones without links too

isa, isae: Spam a million poeple and at least some percentage will check your links, of those a few will eventually by you something. Unless they are like me: I would never buy stuff from a company using spam on me.

3/9/05 09:32  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Well, Im contradictig myself here;
1) Iknow people are totally fucked up in general...
2)I alwys have good fate in people...

This skill seems to blurish my eyes from peoples intentions. Its the same way that I cant be able to understand the fact that people actually intend to earn money on others, how can that be? If other guys wants me communicating for the sake of gold-digging I find it totally absurd. But , alas, I also find it disturbing when some guy/girl wants to buy my paintings. This economical stuff must be way over my head... A grand mystery!

3/9/05 18:19  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Would you believe I have never hit the "Next Blog" button? I don't know why! I may be too afraid to!?

4/9/05 08:29  
Blogger Lisa said...

I found your blog clicking the next button.

I read through it and find it interesting. Thanks!

4/9/05 08:41  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: Wait a sec there, what paintings? The rest that you said I can relate, making money is not one of the main goals in my life. I need money in order to do a lot of things, but getting rich is beyond my wishes.

kris: Some time ago I'd tell you it was fun, but now most of the fun is lost in these spam-blogs, still you can give it a try.

lisa: Thank you for coming back. That is what happened to me with several blogs: find them at random, like them, go back.

4/9/05 13:27  

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