Sunday, August 28, 2005

Weekly Photo

As I was reading some of the news I had not had the time to catch up with I found this one on a runaway alligator.
So here you have this weeks photo, the runaway alligator's cousin from a different zoo.


That was not an isolated incident. It is a real uprising! The croc revolution may have started!
It's happening in China too!!!


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I kinda feel sorry for the old feller. But then, there are the children to worry about, so I hope they get him.

See you later alligator...

28/8/05 11:59  
Blogger Unknown said...

poor aligator....he'll probably die from the poluted waters in industrial long beach california

28/8/05 15:24  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

I feel for the grisled beast. He is probably just longing for some tail-wagging room and a nice meal once in a while. What does he get? Loco Americans chasing him with pitch forks. My money is on the gator.

28/8/05 16:24  
Blogger DCveR said...

It seems the ol'feller is getting quite a fan club.

28/8/05 18:43  
Blogger Arsh said...

interesting news! Thanks for visiting my blog.

28/8/05 23:08  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Hey, women really go for the crispily-crackly skin thing. I mean, take a look at the feet of any Joe on the street! It's not like we have any big choice in the matter. What is familiar becomes loveable....

28/8/05 23:55  
Blogger DCveR said...

arsh: no need to thank

bunny jo: But this pair of boots is very likely to just walk away from you with your feet inside...

29/8/05 00:54  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Oh my goodness. I hope the caiman here don't get wind of the croc revolution.

p.s. my mother said they chased her up a tree or some such tall tale.

29/8/05 01:02  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Ah, poor little, um, big guy.

29/8/05 02:30  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

"here they come... ta-ta-ta-ta-dartaradata, here they come ta-ta-ta-ta-dartaradata". Primus rings in my ears, and all this is totally explained as natures wrath against ignorant scientist who prefer money instead of the belief in human made global warming, and total world control by some obscene stock-marcet happy riders from the state of texas with friends... Here they come ta-ta-ta-tadartaradata! Ya better "chew" this one!!!

29/8/05 06:33  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: It seems crocs and gators are together on this one, so why should caimans not join the fight? After all they are crocs too... ;)

bent: Another croc fan? Oh, right, it's your state reptile. You had to root for the gator on this, sorry.

isa, isae: Are the ones in your local zoo breaking out too? So far in Lisbon zoo everything is still quiet.

29/8/05 07:43  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

No not yet I think... We are trying to persuade them by some promises about the afterlife. And for the less religous we promise an office in the department of internal affairs... Off course we got these fingers crossed, as the fangs are heavier to both cross and hide....

29/8/05 21:27  

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