Thursday, September 01, 2005

Science Miracle

Growing back limbs or lost organs? Sci-Fi? Not anymore, it seems.

Take a look at this news!!!


Visiting the lead scientist's webpage reveals even more astounding research.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I'll read the news later...but it sounds like amazingly good news.

To grow back lost limbs and organs. Wonderful.

2/9/05 04:19  
Blogger Last Girl On Earth said...

That is truly amazing, DC. And you are right, it does sound like sci-fi. I hope they can make it happen in humans soon. How remarkable would THAT be?

With what has been going on in the Gulf Coast all day, it is really nice to hear about some sci-fi sounding news that is positive. My friends and I were discussing how the news from N.O. was totally sci-fi today. How strange.

2/9/05 06:27  
Blogger Mike said...

Forget humans-- Let's get that stuff into beef! We could feed the world with a single cow! Well, except for vegetarians... but having only one cow means there'd be an abundance of Grade A grass! So everyone wins after all!

2/9/05 08:35  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Health related discoveries always take a long time before they can't be implemented on real patients, but it really is a new hope.

last girl: It seems that is the general direction they are heading, but apes will probably go first.

Viking: What? You want a huge cow with five legs or two hearts?

2/9/05 08:44  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Isn't it interesting? The only organ they can't regrow is the brain.

Yes, though they take long, it gives me hope. So when I'm 90, they can make me new again?

2/9/05 20:27  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Oh Lor', I just read Viking's response hahahaha...

2/9/05 20:29  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: As far as brains go there should actually be no problem. My theory on that is people could share brains, a bit like time-sharing holiday plans. You know most people don’t actually use their brains. Also scientists claim we only use a small percentage of our brain. Thus those who really want to do some thinking would have a full brain full time, all the others could just share a few brains to keep their bodies walking and shopping and nodding to their bosses.

2/9/05 22:09  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hahaha, that's the funniest thing I've read all week, people who don't use their brain, sharing!

I once read a short story of a woman whose [mean / short tempered / control freak] husband was ill, then his body died, but the science people kept his brain alive, and he could 'see' what his wife was doing.

So she did all the things he hated, to torment him, including smoke her cigarettes in front of his brain.

3/9/05 14:57  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Read that story too. I think it even won a Nebula award. The reason I say this about the prize is because I don't usually read short sci-fi stories except for the annual Nebula showcase.

3/9/05 16:41  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

There you go, I learnt something new today, the Nebula award.

3/9/05 23:27  

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