Friday, August 26, 2005


Well, there is 'the herd' and 'the other herd', the second one being for those who just want to be different and out of 'the herd'.
Curiously enough 'the herd' is smaller than 'the other herd'.
This is due to the increased popularity of 'the other herd' although it does not in way change the fact that both herds run in opposite directions, sometimes away from one another sometimes straight against each others.
It's a well known fact that older rams have larger horns.
This apparently non-important piece of trivia can probably account for the fact that 'the herd' has not yet been overrun by the larger number 'other herd', that and the fact there is a bit more internal ramming in the younger breed of the 'other herd'.

Then there are real people. People who think, who fight for their beliefs, who don't always agree but who have courage enough to change their minds and their attitudes when they are shown to be wrong and most of all who never EVER make their decisions JUST to go against any of the two 'herds'.

Why am I so fond of this word? Why do I talk so much about the 'herd'?
Oh, lets just say there is a long tradition running in the family. We've always had shepherds in our family.
Quite literally.


Blogger Misty said...

I love sheeple.

26/8/05 17:49  
Blogger DCveR said...

tacit: subtleties...

misty: I don't, actually I despise sheeple. I like people though...

26/8/05 20:19  
Blogger Mike said...

Sometimes I feel bad for those people who don't even realize they're stuck in a herd... Then I wonder if I'm one of them...

26/8/05 21:25  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: as long as you have a brain you can get out of the herd. if you have a brain and ethics you are above the herd. if you do have a brain and no ethics you qualify for being one of those guys who drive the herd to the slaughter. all this assuming you do have a brain, pretty obvious in your case but no so obvious in some other cases

27/8/05 02:08  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

I think ill silence my howls and hide under my sheepcoat...

27/8/05 07:16  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Are you admitting with this post that you are a bit bullheaded? Why do I pick that up about you? :) I mean that in the kindest way of course. ;)

27/8/05 08:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: yeah, right... try to hide your fangs too! LOL

kris: Let us say I follow my own convictions and that I hardly veer my way from what I think is right. On the other hand I admit I'm wrong when shown so and change my mind whenever I see I'm heading the wrong way. All this regardless of the direction people around me are running.

27/8/05 12:58  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I like going it alone, doing things my way. Dunno why.

Sometimes I do the things other folks do, but basically, I like going it alone.

Viking's comment is so real. With a touch of humour at his expense.

27/8/05 14:04  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: I had viking's doubt for some time, but I come out of that doubt. True sometimes you find yourself troding in the same path as the 'herd', but that is usually just a small temporary coincidence.

27/8/05 15:08  
Blogger Mike said...

Take blogging, for example. Definitely seems like the herdish thing to do these days. I almost didn't start one because of that. But if I hadn't started a blog just because everyone else was doing it already, that would have been going with 'the other herd.' So I did it, because I wanted to. I see it simply as a new kind of creative outlet.

27/8/05 21:44  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: My first personnal space online was created in 1991, I had my own small BBS, from that time onward I've had several websites, then the first blogs, then I quit the blogs and got back to my website, then back to blogging, then this blog. Meaning I don't believe I am really the fashion follower. But these days you have indeed a lot of people who don't blog just to be out of the blogging 'herd' thus falling in 'the other herd'. Blogs like all cyberspace are just a 'place'. Like in any real place what matters is what you do more than where you are.
Blogging is a nice way to exchange ideas and view points.

27/8/05 22:51  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I think the key is to do what makes you happy, regardless of who's doing, or not doing.

I've always been a person to do what I want to do, as long as I didn't intentionally hurt others. I think my parents taught me and my siblings this.

28/8/05 00:24  
Blogger Unknown said...

i love shepherds- do you have any single brothers or cosins? :)
its ok, if they're not shepherds anymore, as long as at some point some one in the family was... when i was in spain i went out with this boy whose family were shepherds, he was so cute.

28/8/05 15:30  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Precisely. Follow your own head/heart and never my the crowd around you. Or it's absence.

Ale: I do have a single cousin... he's 33. But it's on mom's side of the family, no shepherds there. Sheperds are on dad's side and none of them is single. Maybe that means something... ;)

28/8/05 15:36  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Ill have to be a very hairy sheep, perhaps Ill try the elder version with the extremely lazy herd who havent bothered trimming my fur for ages... Hmmm, might be a good "pitty-approach" to potential victims....

29/8/05 06:41  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: Pity approaches don't work anymore. Nobody cares. I mean, a guy can be lying on the ground in any major city that people will just walk by without even giving it a second look. You'd better think of a different approach man!

29/8/05 07:35  

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