Friday, October 14, 2005

Ol'time Catholic Hospitality

When the events demanded action our people knew how to stand their ground!
Our ancestors prayed for their souls. They also prayed for their enemies' souls.
After all the praying was done they would get busy making sure their enemies' souls would get to Heaven faster than their own.
What do you mean this wasn't a very Christian attitude?
Compassionate people seldom manage to build Nations.


Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

I was laughing until I realized thisis still going on today in the world all over. Sigh....

Nice photo too. I have to get back to Portugal!!

14/10/05 09:05  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: You should.

14/10/05 13:27  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Thats the way of religion and politrix, power corrupts:(

14/10/05 15:48  
Blogger Unknown said...

that was funny-

kris- dont worry you can laugh- sometimes i get really sad/angry at whats going on, and than step back and realise that we are all acting SO ridiculous that its funny-

14/10/05 16:14  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

It ain't religion, it's just men. If it wasn't religion or politricks, it would be something else.

14/10/05 17:28  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: Power does corrupt, but GG is right, Men are the problem.

ale: The hipocrisy of it was striking, a religion of love firing canonballs at their foes. But at the same time they had really no choice.

GG: Wise as usual. No matter how righteous an organization is, as soon as the apples are many a few are bound to rot. But I'm being a bit nasty, at the time those canons were forged they faced the choice of fighting their attackers or loosing their kingdom.

14/10/05 19:14  
Blogger Cream said...

"Les vertus se perdent dans l'interet, comme les fleuves se perdent dans la mer"
Virtues are lost in self-interest as rivers are lost in the sea.
Duc de La Rochefoucauld.

When you look deep down into any cause whatsoever you will find that there always an ulterior motive...however harmless it may be.

The desire to dominate, subjugate, force one's ideas upon others is the most frightening aspect of mankind. Religion is but another vehicle...
Just take a look back at History, however recent or ancient it is.

14/10/05 19:24  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

That picture reminds me of a chapel in Jamaica - in Port Royal, I believe. It's eerily similar.

15/10/05 00:10  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: So, let me guess your hidden motivations... huummm... you are blogging so you learn more about people in order to turn your dishes more appealing thus becoming a filthy rich restaurant chain mogul! You are in fact into world domination! One stomach at a time!

tall glass: I thought you were a much more peaceful woman. You really should spend some time in that temple Kris mentioned some time ago. And I'd better register this so I remember never to cross you...

isis: Right here in Portugal, in a town called Oeiras in Lisbon's suburbia. Lots of pix taken there lately, it's where my dentist is.

bent: These chapels are very common here in Portugal and in Spain also. I guess the missionairs weren't very creative architects and they used the same blue prints in Africa, Asia, South and Central America...

15/10/05 00:40  
Blogger Cream said...

Dcver, nearly right, there!
World domination, not through the stomach but through laughter!
I have a captive, seated audience as I swan around tables collecting laughter...
When one has a stomachful of good food and wine, anything remotely funny and hey presto, I am stand-up artist.

Money is merely a by-product!

And the blog, just a welcome escape...from the washing-up!

15/10/05 02:29  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

I could not agree more about the men-issue dcver... At all times throughout history men in power have used popularity, or violent force, to gain their goals, so it might be a fusion of pure male-immaturity and power coruption... Well, just a thougt, as most of the world problems both religous and political seem to come from powersick men inbetween their fourties and fifhties...

15/10/05 08:59  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: I knew you were up to something! LOL

isa, isae: Maybe if someone somewhere passes a law against power-hungry middle-aged men...

isis: Before you rush into a decision you might want to take a good look at the less sunny things about Portugal though. Vit's ite is a good place to start, her rants on this country are usually quite accurate.

15/10/05 21:57  
Blogger DCveR said...

tall glass: Thanks, I feel much safer now! LOL

17/10/05 07:37  

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