Long ago on a different place
Saio de mim e sonho outras vidas, outros locais tudo me é permitido ou quase tudo Quando sonho não vejo Quando sonho não sinto Numa palavra : não vivo Abro os olhos, volto a mim Sinto a dor, vejo os pássaros Tenho fome, cheiro as flores Ganho mais do que perdi Perdi um sonho, ganhei a vida |        | I leave myself and dream Other lives, other places. Everything is allowed, Or nearly so When I dream I can’t see When I dream I can’t feel In a word: can’t live I open my eyes, waking up I feel the pain, see the birds, Feel hungry, smell flowers, I won more than I lost Lost a dream, won life |
i like that-
Nice piece.
It was good to compare the English translation with the Portuguese original.
Is this a bit of Fado poetry?
Not that I understand Fado, it just stirs me! Amelia, Cesaria...Mmmmm!
beautiful! thanks babe...
I don't think dreaming's so bad... It may not be real, but it's something to strive for.
Ale & Christine: Glad you do.
Cream: Not Fado. You know, there really is no such thing as “understanding” Fado. You listen, you feel, that is it. Some people can’t feel, for those there is no hope. If it stirs you than you got it.
Bees knees: Any time.
Isis: And yet sometimes we do get trapped in an illusion. The direst dreams are the ones we have while wide awake.
Viking: Dreaming. Dreaming is marvelous. But there is also dreaming.
I love the last line.
"lost a dream, won life."
Great! I sometimes wish you'd do a podcast, so we can hear you say the words in your language. Or what about a little clip..How about it!??
kris: NO :D
Why do I even ask! :) When I know what the answer is?
Methinks you're too modest.
kris: LOL That is the one thing people don't usually accuse me of! No one can blame you for trying, not even me. :D
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