Saturday, October 15, 2005

Grandma used to say so too

Eat plenty of fish. Fish makes you smart!
And now some New Zealand scientists got more proof on it. Pregnant women need to eat the right fish in order to have intelligent kids. The thing about this news that shows how little smart we are to start with is the fact that we have to pick those fish with less mercury contamination. We have messed up this planet’s environment so bad that we can’t even simply pick healthy food without having to think how contaminated it is.
In this particular case, and considering that mercury is a toxic substance that can cause permanent damage to the nervous system, the fact that people look for a specific food trying to achieve a particular end and instead can get exactly the opposite effect because of the pollution sounds a bit as poetic justice: Mankind threw the stone in the air only to have it falling on Its big head!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i take fish oil daily, its high in omega 3 fatty acids and its a bit safer than eating the actual fish. plus, we all know how i feel about eating, now don't we? ::wink::

15/10/05 19:29  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

That is a sad commentary indeed.

Pesticides on veggies and fruit, hormones in beef and chicken.

Mercury in fish. What is actually safe these days?

15/10/05 19:44  
Blogger DCveR said...

bees knees: I prefer the real thing. Portuguese people need to eat fresh juicy fish! Huummm... this kind of sounds like Gollum, so juicy sweet... what the heck.

phoenix: Can't really think of something we haven't already poisoned.

15/10/05 22:07  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Its really sad though, if you think of it; rich men often have conservative ideas where family, upbringing etc is essential, well, not to make anyone better or worse than other, these are just the very same guys who likes to build their fortune to pass on to the next generation... Need I say more...

16/10/05 07:35  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: We'll never completely agree on this one. After all I think family, values and upbringing are essential too. Although I don't think amassimg a fortune is a good goal in life, I don't agree that if you have two people side by side they should have all the same rights regardless of what they do.
Take you and the guy that stole your bag (well, any of them), do you think you both should earn the same? I guess you'll tell me if he had money he wouldn't steal. I will then answer that utopia is a beautiful concept that will never work.

16/10/05 12:05  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

No, I dont really see it that way:) I think what you do in any matter have consequenses, regardless if its finacial or related to any political systems and ideas... Was just pointing out the contradiction between building and destroying for greed...Was drunk as I wrote it, so that might have bured things a bit... I feel more sorry than angry of the thief as well, dont think they are very proud of what they do... Its really isnt a thing to write home to mom about...

16/10/05 17:30  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Dc, I read that much of the mercury is a natural occuring thing in certain fish. Granted, some is due to pollution, but some fish create mercury in their own bodies apparently.

17/10/05 10:12  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: Fish tend to accumulate mercury as well as heavy metals, they can't produce it though. The analysis of fish has been showing increasing levels of pollutants that go way beyond the "natural" values. It would take a nuclear reactor to "create" one element from other elements.

17/10/05 11:13  

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