Cartoon History of the Universe
As some of you may have noticed already, I kind of take some interest in history. Not that I am the kind of guy that memorizes all the dates and learns every detail of the past but I like to at least have some knowledge of what has happened.
I also love comics and cartoons.
Now, in these books by Larry Gonick you have both a great history learning tool and great comics with a very sharp humor.
Not just for those kids who don't like learning history but to all adults.
Even those who usually don't read much, even those who usually don't care much about history.
I've came across this book several years ago. By now I own most of Gonick's books and I am waiting for the release of Cartoon History of the Universe IV (due 2007).
Take the time to stop and the nearest book store or library and give them a look, you won't regret it...
I also love comics and cartoons.
Now, in these books by Larry Gonick you have both a great history learning tool and great comics with a very sharp humor.
Not just for those kids who don't like learning history but to all adults.
Even those who usually don't read much, even those who usually don't care much about history.
I've came across this book several years ago. By now I own most of Gonick's books and I am waiting for the release of Cartoon History of the Universe IV (due 2007).
Take the time to stop and the nearest book store or library and give them a look, you won't regret it...
It's a brilliant way to teach, isn't it? Entertain to teach. I wish more schools adopted that strategy.
I get comic books from India, teaching about India's history.
I must tell my siblings about this one here.
I, for one, can testify to the benefits of melding educational subject matter with entertainment - thanks to Schoolhouse Rock, I know the function of the conjunction, that three is a magic number, and have a working knowledge of how a bill becomes a law.
If Uniform Building Codes could be put to musical tune, I'd probably finally get those committed to memory, too. As it is, I consistantly have to look up all the regulations. A witty ditty could solve all of that.
As for the cartoons, my office is mere blocks from the SF Cartoon Art Museum
with tons of eye candy and special exhibits. Not rubbing it in, or anything... *cheshire cat grin*
GG: Playing is one of the best ways to learn. I've learned a lot when I was a kid because my family would turn learning into games and challenges.
tacit: Isn't that what happens with most therapists? People pay them to listen instead of letting it all out with friends or even blogging?
tall glass: Rub what in? As if I care... *slowly turning green with envy*
It has my interest. Something for me to look into on my jaunt to the bookstore this weekend.
bent: for a moment I thought you were going to curse me for suggesting another book...
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