This place is getting a bit too crowded
I didn’t feel like working today. It was just not a day to be working.
Fortunately I had the afternoon off.
That is why I decided to go to the beach.
But sadly I was not the only one to have this great idea. It seems a lot of people find the beach rather enjoyable too. And a lot of them are on vacation, so they have all the free time they need to enjoy the sun and the sand and the water and the beautiful gals passing by and us guys and all that is nice on a hot Summer day.
Now if only we weren’t so many creatures on such a small stretch of sand this could have made my day a lot better...
run up and down screaming "SHARK SHAAARK" --- that will clear the beach :)
we actually had a Shark warning in Staten Island, a van full of police was unloaded on the beach and they would not let anyone into the water-
ale: This is Portugal, that would make an idiot out of me and the crowd would simply laugh... but thanks anyway.
Shark in Staten Island, Really???? Damn when was that, I missed it... Nothing like an encounter with a Shark. Feeding a Great White Shark when I visit Africa is on the top of my priority list. Well, ofcourse when I am rich enough to visit S. Africa ;)
Beaches are always the places to visit. Beaches in India are so dirty. Civic sense :(
For what it's worth, Ale's suggestion really cracked me up.
Beaches are wonderful only when there's no-one except me and my friends. I used to love beaches in Jamaica.
We don't have many beaches here because Guyana is below sea level. And the few we have, the real ones are far.
I love the beach too. Hate being there with several hundred other folks. Depressing and makes me want to keep the shoes ON!
Sharks in Staten Island. Ale are you sure it wasn't a few Manhattan lawyers surfing???
LOL @ Ale.
Your day trumps mine, which was spent freezing my na na's off in an almost empty library.
Hey there...about the mango jam, unfortunately I don't have a recipe, my mom makes her mango jam from the recipe in her head...perhaps I can dig something up for you, though.
Dcver: It really doesn't look all that bad to me. You should see Southern Cal this time of year! Or compare it to Waikiki any time of year. So many folks are in landlocked countries, and have no beach at all!
Did you ever get out to Makalawena here? Such an arduous 4WD journey ensures that you'll see barely a soul around!
But where are the naked boobies??? I thought all euro- beaches were topless?
I have been going to the coast almost every other weekend this summer with my 2 dogs and boyfriend.
Lately, I go to work just to make the money to get to the beach, I love it.
I want to visit the Olympic Peninsula during the full moon, so I can catch that beautiful sight.
anoop: That problem seems to be global, beaches here sometimes get quite dirty too.
GG: Well, you and your friends would be ok with me, its not like I want a desert island just for me. But it would be nice not to listen to everything the folks nearby are saying.
icylyrics: Sometimes when the place is too crowded I don't even park my car. I just drive on and look for a quite spot somewhere else.
bent: I thought that living in Florida you'd have better beaches than we do here... Oh well, but if you do prefer to stay inside a library I guess you really can't make any use of those beaches...:P
vesparosso: I do have a few recipes so don't fret about it. I just like asking for new ones so I can try new stuff every now and then.
tacit: The off season here sometimes is even better than the summer but it really depends a lot on the weather.
kris: Ok,ok, some places are even more crowded. But still I like it better when I can stay clear of the 'herd'. We didn't get the chance to go to Makalawena, maybe next time.
bees knees: LOL you crack me. In most places here you'll get topless women, even in the one in the photo. But topless is not mandatory! Fortunately I must add...
lisa: The coast up there is beautyful. I loved driving that road that follows the coast line.
The one bad thing about it is the water being so could.
haaaahahaha-- THATS why I suggested it!! :))
*just in case you werent sure- it would make you an idiot here too- and people would laugh-- ;)
ale: Well thank you! Glad to know that! As if I would ever...
penny: in the hottest nights some of our beaches are almost as crowded as during the day
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