Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Bad mood?! WHAT BAD MOOD?!

I hardly had any sleep last night.
I just drove Good Half to the airport.
She is now flying to Portland again.
We'll only be together again in November.
Such is life, I am not complaining.
Today is actually 'Monday' in Portugal because Monday was a holiday.
To add insult to injury the damned coffee machine is broken again.
Why would anyone expect me to be wearing a huge smile today?
Fortunately I will only be working the morning.


Blogger Shyha said...

My good-half has been in France since the end of June. She is going back at the beginning of September so I think I understand you perfectly.

Take care!

16/8/05 08:31  
Blogger Lisa said...

That is sad, I can't stand being separated from mine!

My coffee maker better not go out on me either, that is unbearable actually!

I am in need of getting healthier though, because I start my morning off with coffee & a bottle of coke!

Thanks for stopping by my blog also!


16/8/05 08:46  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Yes, that is a little miserable. But, time will fly soon. And this internet thing has really removed all the distances. Except perhaps transporting oneself physically in an instant. :)

16/8/05 08:48  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Sounds really bad... I could not imagine myself in the same situation. I used to live with my exs for five years, and the longest period we were separated was seven days, wich seemed everlasting. Sending some warm thoughts for you....

16/8/05 09:45  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: PhD too?

lisa: No need for thanking.
We are already used to it, and soon it will end. As for the coffee machine its even worst than if it were my home machine, its my office machine.

anoop: Its really just the saying good bye that sometimes gets to me.

isa, isae: One thing good about it is the getting back together part...

16/8/05 18:51  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Long distance relationships...sigh...tell me about them. I'm in one. I feel it for you. And you being sleep-deprived too.

16/8/05 20:22  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: pulling an all-nighter at work is common so this is no real news, it just makes me a bit crankier than usual

16/8/05 20:24  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Hmmm, sorry about losing the Good Half for another few months. But time will go quickly. Before you know it she'll be back again.

Maybe it is time for me to send you some Kona coffee. Email your snail mail addy if you want some! (And you trust me!)

17/8/05 02:48  
Blogger Shyha said...

in a way :) She's on master's degree in Poland. She went thero to work and to learn some 'common language' :)
Rather like holidays.

Btw. it reminds me of (especially my case) the well known song: "Sealed with a kiss"

Take care

17/8/05 08:59  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: Thank you so much, but you really shouldn't bother.

shyha: Be patient and hope for the best. Take care.

17/8/05 09:54  
Blogger Mike said...

It's just awful being apart, isn't it? I've only seen my better half for eight days out of the past two years... She still lives in Brasil, waiting for everything to fall into place... When we're finally married though, I don't think we'll ever want to be apart again! Enough is enough!

GG- I didn't know you were in one too. So where is he hiding?

17/8/05 18:20  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: Man you are a lot worst than we are. Hope things fall into place soon.

17/8/05 20:28  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Boy there sure are a lot of long-distance relationships going on!

18/8/05 01:38  
Blogger Mike said...

What would we do without the internet?

18/8/05 05:22  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: at least ours is supposed to be only for a few months more

viking: spend a lot of money in telephone?

18/8/05 08:40  
Blogger Shyha said...

We probably would be writing letters!

(I'm very unsure about this grammar construction I've built ther)

18/8/05 08:51  
Blogger Mike said...

I don't know if the phone or letters would cut it... Letters are so slow... and, well, I just hate phones... But who knows. Any fatalists out there?

(Looks like a good enough sentence to me Shyha. I would probably switch the 'probably' and the 'would'-- like I did in this sentence, hehe)

18/8/05 22:35  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: I kind of agree with viking, too slow...

viking: fate is what you make of it man!

19/8/05 00:12  
Blogger Lisa said...

My coffee mishap happened the following day. I read that your coffee maker had broke, and remember feeling some sympathy (empathy)....

I had forgotten to make my coffee and set the alarm like I usually do. I went into the kitchen, went through process of making a pot, but forgot to put the pot back on the burner, so my coffee of course brewed onto the counter/floor etc.

Definitly not a good thing to start my day off....

19/8/05 07:53  
Blogger Shyha said...

thx :) I need to improve my english

yeah - letters are slow but not that slow. It takes 3 working days for priority letter to get to France from Poland. And think about the feelings when you wait for the letter from your love :) I'm sure you have similiar when waiting for phone-call (at least - I have) :)
Hmmmm there were no Internet 15 years ago (no public access at least). It's ONLY 15 years and we don't know how to contact people the other way! Fifteen years!

19/8/05 10:27  
Blogger DCveR said...

lisa: Thank you for the empathy. Fortunately it was only my office coffee machine, not the one at home. Here in Portugal you can get a pretty decent coffee in just about every corner, so the broken machine only means I've got to go down to the street to get a coffee during a week or so. At first I thought this would be boring, but actually its rather nice to make a slightly bigger pause.

Shyha: We still remember how. That is the problem: we remember and don't want to go back to that. LOL

19/8/05 19:11  

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