Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Talk about haunted houses...

Is there any such thing as a good insurance company?
My family has a house up north.
This year the insurance company sent an invoice for payment with a wrong address: it seems the house had moved to a different town, a few kilometers away.
As usual when you are an only child and most of the family elders are going senile you get to sort out any problem that comes by. Or at least that's how it happens with yours truly.
Some weeks ago I contacted the said insurance company.
They told me they were going to look into it.
After several contacts by phone and fax nobody in that company seemed to have any idea of the whereabouts of that insurance policy files, let alone know how had the address changed.
Today I finally got a phone call by a very rude and unpleasant guy who seems to be in charge of the local office of the company near town A. The problem is solved and they want to know to which address should they mail the copy of the paperwork that shows that we have requested a change of address for a centenary stone house three stories high from town A to town B.
Mind you that for ages my father's family has lived in town A and although we have in fact visited town B we have never owned anything on or about town B.
To make things even more ludicrous, the new address of the house doesn't even exist!
Have I tried reasoning with the guy? Yes.
Outcome? I was insulted, my father was insulted, his sister was insulted time and again (he said she was the one who signed the change of address).
Even in the remote chance one of the policy holders was senile enough to change the address, how can an insurance company let a moving building go unnoticed?
I guess the only solution now is to make a new insurance policy with a different company and let my lawyer settle the current policy with that idiot, lest I decide to take the insult personally and pay the mentioned idiot a visit.
Do you think I should take a drive up north to check whether the house has in fact moved?

PS I've just seen a pic on isa,isae's blog that seems to clear the mistery! The house has been moved and we haven't noticed! That must be it!!!


Blogger DCveR said...

tall glass: What good can this be for the insurance agent? He'll loose several clients this way. All our relatives are already aware of what happened and they will all cancel their own policies with those guys. Of course this will also mean they are all calling me to check which insurance company am I choosing now...

21/2/06 23:31  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

haha, that explains it. Seems to be the days of paperwork fuckups these days; just got a claim for fifteen thousand wich I'm supposed to owe as I went on social welfare in 2004, the funny thing is that the government taxed me all the way, and I did not have additional work this year, and now they want to charge 20% of my income to get "their" money. Ah, don't you just love beuracracy:)Next thing is that you have to be the one to proove that the house was placed i pointA and not B... Effetcive isn't it:)

22/2/06 00:22  
Blogger Unknown said...

ahhh nice! classic dcver behaviour exhibited! you're just a joy to deal with i'm sure

22/2/06 04:09  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: The easiest solution is really to settle the policy and make a new one elsewhere. How come you have to pay because you were on welfare? Isn't that one of the things that is supposed to be paid by everybody's taxes?

ale: Hey, what else could I do? Insult him back? What for? It would take me more time and get me no better results I'm sure.

isis: Just saw it, looks great, already changed the link there.

22/2/06 08:31  
Blogger Mike said...

What a pain!

Insurance... They should call it gambling.

22/2/06 17:04  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...


I love the "when everyone in your family is old and going senile" line...so true.

22/2/06 17:16  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: Kind of. Like casinos, insurance companies always make a profit.

portuguesa: The hard part sometimes is balancing how much help to give them in order for them not to become too dependent.

tacit: Insurance records aren't that powerful, there is such a thing as an estate registry here in Portugal. Even a Mickey Mouse company couldn't go that far.

22/2/06 19:00  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

My goodness, Vitriolica was complaining about insurance people too, and you both live where?

You're thinking of driving up to the guy? Fight, fight :-D

Speaking of haunted house, I heard the weeeirdest tale but I'm too tired right now to blog it.

22/2/06 20:40  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

That's disgraceful carry on for your insurance company. The annoying thing about these companies is that if it's the customer who has messed up, they're all over you like a cheap suit!

22/2/06 22:12  
Blogger Ariadne said...

hehehe... unbelievable how people leave their brain at home when they go out to work, especially when they hate it. That's how a moving house can go unnoticed.


27/2/06 04:35  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Sigh. And I thought only American homeowner's insurance companies were incompetent. The questions that beg to be asked are these: IS IT ROCKET SCIENCE??? Or DON'T YOU DO THIS EVERY DAY or HOW HARD IS IT????

Hope you get it straightened out soon.

27/2/06 09:18  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: The issue isn't worth a fight.

nml: My experience so far shows that most insurance companies are like that.

ariadne: Maybe they leave their brain at home when they vote too, that would explain a lot.

kris: It will be solved soon, with a different company of course.

27/2/06 16:53  

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