Thursday, February 09, 2006


Some hard physical activity usually is enough to help me unwind.
A punching bag is a great help on this issue.
Target practicing is great too, because it forces you to focus on something practical pushing all thoughts to some 'hidden corner' of your brain.
There are periods when stopping, slowing down, taking some time off still isn’t enough to relax.
Does this happen to you, getting so much stress you feel you must do something to help you slow down? Feeling tired and yet so charged up you start having trouble to get some rest?
If it does, how do you cope with it?


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

This used to happen to me when I was in tv, working weird hours, long hours, then no matter how tired I was, I was hyped up just getting my show edited.

I'd go home, take a lonnnnng bath, drink tea...yes...tea...or hot chocolate...and read trash romance. tee hee. I can just see you reading True Confessions :-D

9/2/06 23:55  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Not my usual reading. Reading helps when you can keep your mind on what you are reading, but sometimes you just keep dropping the book and getting up to check some other thing.

tall glass: I don't know how to sail. Even though this is a country of sailors it is not an innate trait, whenever I went out sailing I was but a mere passenger, but I never felt like learning it. And yes, sex would help, if it weren't for the fact that there is this small Atlantic pond and this freaky continent called America in between GH and I right now.

10/2/06 07:36  
Blogger Mike said...

Ohhhhh yes... I know that feeling. For me, nothing works better than this combo:

Eat an apple, take a walk, and listen to some soothing music.

10/2/06 08:31  
Blogger Cream said...

Stress? What's stress?

If I ever get a little stressed(?) I just switch off, switch on my laptop, open a bottle of red wine and chill out!
And then, when I'm ok, I just switch off, switch on my laptop, open a bottle of red wine and chill out again!

10/2/06 09:03  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I find that when I slow down, I initially I feel absolutely hideously tired and by the time I get over that tiredness, it's time to go back to work. Boo! I try to chill out every day and I have found that time management has made a massive amount of difference. If anything can make me relax it's lying on the sofa with a blanket and sticking a DVD on...and then falling asleep.

10/2/06 11:58  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

When I had similar troubles, I started sewing a counted cross-stitch. I had to focus on the little dexterous movements my hand had to make to get my needle in the right hole, plus counting the usually took about 10 minutes and I was falling asleep sitting up. I can't really see you getting into counted cross-stitch, but maybe something similar will work for you. BTW, my stress-time was over before the cross stitch was. It served its purpose. It was greeeeat therapy for a hard time in my life.

10/2/06 15:39  
Blogger Unknown said...

i stretch out and jump in the pool for some laps- stay in and don't get out untill I do at least 24 laps... than on to get a nice 1 hour massage and perhaps jump into a solarium for a few mins.

10/2/06 16:29  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...


To destress I have a wonderful little park nearby to go jogging round. That was until I damaged my plantar fascia last September and it's taken until now to recover. I also own a rowing machine that is really good combined with the BBC's massive online archive. I listen to plays/comedies etc whilst rowing. Fitness and erudition all in the same package, what more could a boy ask for.

11/2/06 13:07  
Blogger iluvnyc said...

either i swim for some laps 'til i get extremely tired... or run, or call up some friends and dance all nite long 'til my feet hurt so bad

11/2/06 21:25  
Blogger Lisa said...

Bubble Bath,
Good Earth Tea For Sleep (if I don't have to get up early the next morning as it really knocks me out)
I also walk quite a bit to relieve stress, I used to lift weights but have been slacking in this department.
I used to blog hop also when it was time for sleep.

12/2/06 04:41  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

I paddle in outriggers which requires mental focus and puts you in a zen place. There;s also a good supplement called melatonin you can take at bedtime that often knocks me out. I like to listen to my iPod until I fall asleep.

I think if you have that stress/ anxiety thing going, you have to slow down enough to get good rest so you are better able to deal with the stress.

Is moving causing your stress DC? If so, there is light at the end of the tunnel...and you are going to a better place!!

12/2/06 09:31  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: Not enough for me sometimes.

cream: I wish I could be that stress free.

nml: Without time management and without deadlines I wouldn't be under stress, I would be raving mad by now.

bunny jo: Can't see me doing cross stitch? Huuummm... some people would probably even pay to see me doing it.
But as far as any stitching goes I am only good for emergency repairs (and things won't be looking good).

ale: Guess that could work, but if I could have a pool just for myself. Public pools are usually very noisy, deffinitely not the place to relax.

dan: The rowing machine helps too, but like the static bike, after awhile I start thinking about whatever is troubling me, it helps getting tired but it doesn't take much focusing.

iluvnyc: Dancing all night long... that seems to work for most chicks. Strangely it doesn't have the same effect on me or any of the guys I know.

lisa: Bubble bath after pumping some iron sounds nice.

kris: Outrigging in paradise, now there is a great solution.
Well, believe it or not moving is only but a small part of the equation. This last week I've had almost no time to even think about it. With all the work, plus sick relatives plus friends needing help there was no time to think about the new place.
Anyway, maybe in a month or so I can start moving, they are still working the final details I guess, I haven't even visited the construction site lately.

12/2/06 11:44  
Blogger Glitzy said...

This totally happens to me as well.

Like you I go the route of physical activity. Other things that help me are playing with my kitties, playing video games and knitting

14/2/06 01:04  

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