Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Such a small planet and yet...

...it can still surprise us.
Reading this news I got mixed feelings.
On one hand it is inspiring, it shows us that even in this planet there are still a lot of new things to learn and discover. And this is not just deep in our oceans or at a microscopic level, this is something that many people would never think to be possible in these days of fast travelling, satellite imaging and powerful exploring tools.
At the same time it makes one muse on how beautiful nature is without man's presence and how the human absence can be noticed by a greater harmony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so amazing... but yet, now that we know about it, we'll probably ruin it. humans suck.

8/2/06 19:34  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Wow...it is amazing to think that there are still places on the planet untouched by human existence. Although typically because Papua New Guinea's indigenous population was hostile - at least until quite recently - it hasn't been over-run by imperialist settlers like so much of the rest of the world. After all, most settlers object to being made into soup. :)

8/2/06 19:36  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

One hopes the ecosystem there can remain unspoiled and un-infected by outsiders. Some of the invasive speciecs brought to Hawaii prove this point all too well.

8/2/06 20:03  
Blogger Mike said...

Neat. You know, there are even languages, human populations, that we don't know about on that island...

8/2/06 21:17  
Blogger DCveR said...

isis: We'll be waiting, take care.

bees knees: Those humans really are weird, aren't they? ;)

bunny jo: I must confess the idea of becoming someone elses dinner doesn't really appeal to me either...

kris: The same thing happens everywhere, someone decided to take some japanese bushes (cryptomeria nipponica I believe it's called) to the Azores islands, sure they are nice looking yellow flowered vines. But without natural "enemies" there those vines soon became a plague.

8/2/06 21:22  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Wow, that's amazing. Even ,ore amazing is just how much of the ocean and ocean floor is unexplored. Truly "Lost Worlds"

8/2/06 21:32  
Blogger Hayden said...

wow. just that. wow. thanks for sharing this.

9/2/06 02:11  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: Bet by now they are drinking coke and watching MTV, the infection doesn't take long.

phoenix: But that is a world that is hard to reach, protected by the immense pressure of tons of water, this is a simple island, I would have supposed that the were no more uncharted territories on the surface of this planet.

hayden: No need for thanking.

penny: Hen mom! ;)

10/2/06 07:28  

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