Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A twelve gauge

That’s what that damned winged brat Cupid is going to face if he dares to fly this way.
What’s the fun of Valentine’s Day if I’m 9000km away from the best wife in the whole wide world?
As far as the two of us are concerned Valentine’s day will be officially postponed until Good Half is back in Portugal!


Blogger Annie said...

Aaah, sweet! It is kind of romantic though, like Romeo and Juliet or something. I guess that doesn't help much... ;-)

14/2/06 09:56  
Blogger Mike said...

I'm with you, Cupid can keep his jovial butt away from me! But next year, we'll have three Valentine's Days to make up for all at once :)

14/2/06 15:51  
Blogger Unknown said...

I like Valentine's day, Sweetest Day, our anniversary, and any other legitimate romantical day that gets her parents to take our kids overnight.

DC, I can tell you're as crazy about your wife as I am about mine, I feel for you, brother.

14/2/06 20:08  
Blogger Cream said...

DC, just remember what happened on this day in Chicago during the prohibition! A massacre!

Tonight, I nearly picked up a rose from those left over at the restaurant. We'd over-ordered! I was going to give to Karen but then I remembered what she did with last year's leftover rose! I am still trying to pick the thorns out my...

15/2/06 00:13  
Blogger DCveR said...

annie: It is only temporary and it is almost over. Soon we'll be together again.

tacit: Don't take it personally, but I feel your hubbie is wrong on this one... ;)

viking: You've got to make up for the lost time buddy.

tall glass: And we'll do just that! :D

penny: It's just another day, and we don't really need excuses to pamper one another. ;)

chill daddy: Thanks. But it will soon be over. We both knew this would be the price to pay, but the same way I have my career she must have the chance to have hers. And we have the rest of our lives when this is over.

cream: NO, NO, NO!!! You can't give leftover roses to Karen!!! Not to any woman! They can keep leftover roses if they feel like it, but we can't give them. We must buy fresh roses! No woman likes a "second hand rose"... thought you'd learned that by now.

15/2/06 00:41  
Blogger Unknown said...

dcver- i'm sure when you both are old little grandparents you will look back at this time of separation as such a romantic time-- :)

15/2/06 15:44  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Separation is frustrating. I know.

16/2/06 11:39  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...


You live in Portugal.

16/2/06 19:45  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: At least spending half the year apart we don't get tired of each other. ;)

GG: But it helps value the time we have together.

phoenix: What? Yes, I live in Portugal. So does my wife. But for the time being she spends half the year in Oregon. That is why I used to fly to Oregon whenever I could and that is why we rented a place there. But it will soon be over.

16/2/06 20:33  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Tall is right Dc, VD is over-rated as a day...)Valentines has become a retail disgrace and another way for the candy/card/jewelry/ industry to play on people's guilt about what they should and shouldn't be doing. Maybe we should ban it and then I ALSO wouldn't have to get older every year. Sigh.

17/2/06 09:01  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: I used to frown on VD, Xmas presents and a lot of other things. Then GH came along and unlike any other before her she made things change a bit, but still we don't did special occasions to buy one another presents or to spend a romantic evening.

20/2/06 17:09  

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