Sunday, January 29, 2006

Thank you Ms Bees Knees

Yes, thank you Ms. Bees Knees for suggesting this book.
Mary Roach (yup, that is one weird sounding name) researches the different fates that a corpse may face, from rotting in the ground to helping science move forward.
Without disrespect for the dead the author manages to give an accurate report on her research seasoned with a very sharp and clever humor. The end result is a great book, quite easy to read and very educative.
Maybe if enough people read it there will be more corpses available for organ donation and for research.


Blogger Unknown said...

yuk feet!

29/1/06 18:08  
Blogger Natsthename said...

Hmmmm...if I choose to read some nonfiction, do I really want to read about dead bodies? Why not! I'll be one someday....

Thanks for the recommend.

29/1/06 20:49  
Blogger Cream said...

Did you need a stiff drink after reading this book?

29/1/06 22:17  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...


That tag is soooo retro, where can one buy one? And those feet look spookily familiar, whose can they be? Wait let me guess, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, got it first time. No, don't thank me, it's a gift.

29/1/06 22:43  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

I tried, for two weekes, to go to the pateologist institute of Oslo, and I'm never doing it again. The task was me sketching and painting, but I just had to give it up after too vivid dreams, these came after moving around on bodyparts and even heads and full bodies. I managed to have a pretty "decent"relationship with it while working, but my dreams became too fucked up. Anyhow; I'ld donor every functional organ, if not only for the hell of the next art student. It was really creepy things bubbling right out of the unconcious... Really perfect for horror films and stories...

30/1/06 07:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

isis: Haven't read "Choke", although it has been recomended to me already, guess I'll place it on my "to buy" list.

ale: Yup, you know even beautiful people have feet. :P

nat: Take your time, there's no need to hurry, after all when you do become a dead body you'll have eternity to enjoy it. :D

cream: It wasn't a question of need. After all I enjoy a good brandy or whisky with any good book! ;)

dan: Strangely that seems the typical view people have had of royalty feet throughout history. Probably due to the stepping over the commoners...

tall glass: He must have had one too many, it is always the last one that does you in. What was your ex's work about? If you can disclose it that is...

isa, isae: No problem with bodies. No weird dreams, nothing. The only thing that gets at me is the smell at first, but even that stops bothering after a while.

30/1/06 20:57  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! you read it! i've gone to see Mary read twice now and she is really quite silly in person. she really loved doing research for this book... it's that morbid curiosity thing. everyone wants to know what happens after death! glad you enjoyed it.

1/2/06 00:52  

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