Monday, October 17, 2005

Praise the Lord

In order to assure my entrance in Heaven, or to avoid my descent to Hell, I’ve decided to put an end to my days as a heretic and instead obey all major religions.
Due to the fact one cannot obey them all simultaneously I figured out a religious schedule, rotating my newfound faith throughout the week.
I reckon I could start the week being a Roman Catholic, cuz I was raised so.
On Thursdays I could be a Jehovah Witness. Muslim on Fridays.
On Saturdays I would obviously end my week as a Jew.
Each day I would have to obey the scheduled religion precepts. Catholics rest on Sundays, Jehovah Witnesses rest on Thursdays, Muslims rest on Fridays, Jews rest on Saturdays.... Right I’m still missing rest days religions from Monday thru Wednesday. Any ideas?

This is one of those Mondays I don't feel like working. Three more long weeks until my holidays.


Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Heh, do I remember a Monday when you DID feel like working?? Fantastic about the holidays, and I know where you're going! :)

This is a good idea. Be a different religion every day and never have to work!!

17/10/05 10:03  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: This really is worst than the ordinary Monday. I need to go to the dentist ASAP because my face is all swollen, I think I screwed up trying to clean the last job he did too harshly. Yet I have to finish a few things AND let non-working co-worker in charge of the place.

17/10/05 11:17  
Blogger Cream said...

Dcver, you holy guy! You could start a religion to cover Monday to Wednesday!
Could be called Midweekness of the Flesh or the Church of The Holy Holidays...

When Jehovah's Witnesses ring the bell, I opened the door with a glass of red wine and say: "Sorry, I am a Muslim!"

17/10/05 12:31  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Yes, Kris said it, which Monday DO you like?

Oh dear, I hope your tooth heals.

And despite your tooth problem you can still write this. This is too funny for words :-D And Cream is encouraging you too!

Who will you pray to for your tooth to heal today?

17/10/05 12:35  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

I hear the Buddhists don't have many obligations...that might be a good one for resting day.

17/10/05 13:00  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh dcver- come on- monday-wednesday you can just be portuguese and you rest :))))

hehehe- that's how it felt when i was there!!

17/10/05 16:01  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: Yes! Yes! And then all the followers will give me all their money!!! Huummm... On second thought... Nope, forget it. I'm not cut out for it.

GG: Ok,ok, I admit it, I am not a Mondays guy. I didn't pray, I paid. My dentist.

portuguesa: Being a budhist I could even beg for the rest of my life and give everything else up. But I guess I am not really ready for so much detachment.

ale: Some of us actually work. Sometimes it doesn't seem so, but it is true.

rjm: Thanks. My Monday is starting to improve, hope yours is too. And if we want something to cheer us up we can check next year's budget proposal: it seems our taxes are going to be raised again! Getting better by the minute.

17/10/05 17:05  
Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, i also know where you are going!

17/10/05 19:12  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: It really isn't hard to guess. :D

isis: Wasn't it supposed to be 8 days long?

17/10/05 20:59  
Blogger Ariadne said...

Hi dcver :)

So you want to be creative... why don't you try satanism ? That will give you enough freedom of choice ;)...


17/10/05 21:02  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

You could participate in a cult of some sort on those three days.

17/10/05 21:44  
Blogger DCveR said...

ariadne: The key here would have to be one holy, or should I say unholy, day per week, Monday-thru-Wednesday, would it work?

bent: But is there a generally accepted cult that rests in any of the days left?

17/10/05 22:52  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Cult for ergophobics(sp). hehe

18/10/05 03:22  
Blogger DCveR said...

bent: You know, the work itself doesn't scare me. I actually love my work. Putting up with certain people is the worst part of it. Dumb bureaucrats mostly, who can't DO anything but demand three tons of paperwork if you so much as open a damned door.

18/10/05 07:59  
Blogger Glitzy said...

What a fabulous idea. Your entry in heaven is certainly guaranteed!

18/10/05 17:09  
Blogger DCveR said...

glitzy: LOL I wouldn't be so sure of that. But don't worry, some of us are already planning some bbqs for after we die, the problem will be how to keep the beers cool down in hell.

18/10/05 18:02  
Blogger DCveR said...

isis: This goes to show my ignorance on Jewish festivities.

19/10/05 06:57  

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