Saturday, October 01, 2005

Old musings

Era um bloco de pedra,
apenas mármore até esse dia,
o dia em que ele a viu,
não que os seus olhos não a vissem,
mas ele só então a viu
Queria guardar a sua essência,
talhar na rocha o que sentiu
Não podia ele criar ?
Não podia ...
Não !
E a pedra perdeu a nobreza,
e toda a obra dele também
Mas viu, sentiu, recorda,
e agora também vê
Um pouco dela está nele,
outro tanto está na pedra
ele pô-lo lá !
Antes mesmo de lhe tocar
E a pedra chama-o
ele sabe que é impossível
no entanto responde, obedece
A pedra lembra-o dela
ela lembra-lhe a pedra
pertencem uma à outra
pertence também ele a ambas
A pedra afinal não existe
era recordação, não mármore
não pode esculpir a memória
não pode talhar esse momento
Mas ela permanece nele
e ele ergue-se sem lamentar
Vê, sente, recorda,
e agora é feliz
vivendo de recordações ...
It was a piece of stone,
just marble until that day,
the day he first saw her,
his eyes saw her before,
but he only saw her then.
He wanted to keep her essence,
carve in the stone what he felt.
Couldn't he create?
Couldn't he...
And the stone lost its nobility,
and all his work also
But he saw, felt, remembers,
Now he sees too,
Something of her is in him,
as much as in the stone
he got it there!
Even before touching it
The stone calls him
he knows it is impossible
however he answers the call, obeys
The stone reminds him of her,
she reminds him the stone
they belong to one another
he belongs to both
The stone doesn't exit,
it was memory not marble
he can't carve memory
he can't sculpt the moment
But she stays in him
He rises without sorrow
Sees, feels, remembers,
now he is happy
living of his memories…


Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Thank you! I wanted to see some more Portuguese poems.

1/10/05 11:23  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Sounds to me like the struggles of an artist, like someone afraid, hesitant...

1/10/05 11:49  
Blogger Unknown said...

i think if anything if is possible to capture a memory in a sculpture of a painting... i think the artist doesnt want to admit that its JUST a memory. he is not ready to put the feeling away as a memory. Just like sometimes after a trip, or meeting great people that you know you wont see for a while, you're not able to put the photos in an album. you just keep them in a box being happy to remember, but than time passes and you organize your photoalbum finally and now you are ready to make the feelings into a memory.

ok, as i just confused everyone...

1/10/05 15:16  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: I'll post something better later.

GG: I think the hesitation part was past, at the time this was wrote, but it definitely was there for a time.

Ale: What about like someone who knows he is to blame for having screwed things up and still can’t either let go nor amend them, and in spite of that knows he has to go on and let time do its thing?

1/10/05 15:54  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Art is so open to interpretation, we read our own experiences into it sometimes, don't we? For example, I see a struggle. But different from what you said, D.

I see an artist struggling with his urge to create and with the 'fear' that all creative people seem to suffer from.

1/10/05 19:15  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Also amazing how sometimes others can see stuff the writer didn't think of. Sometimes even the writer later comes to find new things on what has been written, as if somehow the subconscious feelings found their way to the paper.

isis: Sometimes it would be nice to be able to go back in time and repair the mistakes of the past, but had things been different and we wouldn't have the good things of the present.

1/10/05 20:02  
Blogger Mulle said...


thanks for telling me how to switch off this spam stuff. I realised only seconds before you added your comment. Hope you had a good laugh as I had. Had to delete the page as it lost its purpose.

Nice page you've got there.

One Love


1/10/05 21:05  

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