Sunday, September 25, 2005

S.N.A.F.U. take 4

How many Air Force men does it take to change a %$#"#%$ light bulb?
This country is in fact getting worst by the second.

Picture received by e-mail, author unknown.
(click on picture to see larger image)


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Haha, you sure this is not the West Indies, Dcver?

Once at university, we were sitting in a lecturer's room...he stopped talking...then said, 'typical West Indian man to do the work, 3 to look on."

We peeped out the door...there they were, on a flat roof, just as he said.

25/9/05 14:10  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Oh, maybe these electricity guys were assigned as a group to go out on bigger jobs along with the small ones, along the way.

25/9/05 14:12  
Blogger Unknown said...

i wonder how many airforce men are needed to give pointers if one of them decides to make love with his wife???

25/9/05 14:26  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Bet those guys feel theyre doing an important job for the community:)

25/9/05 15:00  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: I think your first comment was a tad closer to the truth than the second. But as you can check by the license plates this is in our little garden by the sea.

ale: LMAO Funny you should say that. I'll ask. The amazing thing about you saying that is this: the photo was sent to me by a friend who is married to one of our fly boys.

isa, isae: The armed forces are always doing something important!!! They keep the country safe. Not sure safe from what, but...

25/9/05 17:35  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

This picture epitomizes the American workplace. Five people stand around and make decisions that one person carries out. And it's the people standing around who get the big bucks. Where was I when these jobs were getting passed out? Oh, yeah...examining my belly button. Didn't even see it coming!

25/9/05 22:23  
Blogger DCveR said...

bunny jo: I'm getting the distinct feeling everybody thinks the same, namely "this could be our country". Oh, but you got one thing wrong: the blue uniforms are not the 'brass', they are just wearing a different uniform.

25/9/05 23:20  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

¨bunnyjo; you were clever, or pehaps lucky, to be abandonned from this kind of work, these people constantly seems to be the acne of our community as they strive to get attetion by being just important, you b.t.w. are important for real:)

26/9/05 01:01  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

no, this photo could be taken in Hawaii. Except the guys would all be local, because only locals (island born) get hired by the county for lifetime, cushy jobs! (Actually in Hawaii one of the guys would be in his pick up taking a nap.)

26/9/05 08:43  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: LOL Probably there is someone sleeping inside one of the parked cars or in the barracks.

26/9/05 09:29  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Nine. One to screw it in and eight to make sure it's being screwed in.

26/9/05 15:49  
Blogger DCveR said...

bent:The ranking officer who gave the order probably isn't there, not when the task is so petty... ;)

26/9/05 21:08  
Blogger Natsthename said...


26/9/05 22:07  

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