Stolen Picture
Hope this week ends real fast, it's getting worst by the minute so far.
Some idiot e-mailed me demanding payment for the use of a picture I posted here some time ago. This same pic I'm posting again.
The said photo was allegedly taken by that idiot in the 'old part of Lisbon'.
Well, this post is the only answer that wannabee blackmailer will get.
Of course he can try and sue me, that would actually be fun.
He can also try and harass me face to face, that would even be funnier.
First of all because I know how the scam works: a guy looks for someone who posts pics from very different places and if he thinks some of the pics were taken by someone else he claims to be the author and asks money not to sue.
Second because I post MY pictures, pictures from Good Half and a few stolen pics (I do confess) making reference to the source and giving full credit to their authors (NASA and Greenpeace being my main 'victims' or sources).
And last but not least because no idiot can hustle me this way!
You see, this fountain is not even a real fountain. It is in fact a cast replica that is hanging in one of the walls at my place, as you can see by clicking the photo in this post. Whoever claims I am not the author would have a lot to explain on how the picture was taken...
It takes a little bit more to shake money out of this tree you moron!!!
Some idiot e-mailed me demanding payment for the use of a picture I posted here some time ago. This same pic I'm posting again.
The said photo was allegedly taken by that idiot in the 'old part of Lisbon'.
Well, this post is the only answer that wannabee blackmailer will get.
Of course he can try and sue me, that would actually be fun.
He can also try and harass me face to face, that would even be funnier.
First of all because I know how the scam works: a guy looks for someone who posts pics from very different places and if he thinks some of the pics were taken by someone else he claims to be the author and asks money not to sue.
Second because I post MY pictures, pictures from Good Half and a few stolen pics (I do confess) making reference to the source and giving full credit to their authors (NASA and Greenpeace being my main 'victims' or sources).
And last but not least because no idiot can hustle me this way!
You see, this fountain is not even a real fountain. It is in fact a cast replica that is hanging in one of the walls at my place, as you can see by clicking the photo in this post. Whoever claims I am not the author would have a lot to explain on how the picture was taken...
It takes a little bit more to shake money out of this tree you moron!!!
This has left me laughing, a good loud hearty laugh.
Serves him right. I wonder how he / she feels now.
I wish he / she would leave a comment.
What a jackass.
Sounds like some "issues" to me.
Well DC, at least I'll know what to do if I ever get one of those emails. What an idiot!
GG: I wish he/she would never again leave any comments or messages. Not to me not to anyone else. Although I can see your point. I wouldn't mind seeing the creatures reaction to the second photo.
Lisa: "issues"? Not sure if I am getting your point...
last girl: You just go on with your re-packing and never mind the idiots. Unless one of them claims he is the real fiddler in your CD... ;)
A comment from him / her just to see how barefaced he / she can be.
tall glass: At least we get a good laugh on the creature's account.
GG: If he/she comments I will by no means delete the comment.
warped bryce: so you assume it is a guy? I don't know... really, there are some female con artist's out there too
It can also be a pranck... some of my wise-guy friends trying to piss me off.
It really wouldn't amaze me much. That is one of the reasons I am going to wait before taking any further action.
Lest the joke be on me.
Wow, that's pretty funny. I would love to see how that plays out in court.
viking: Don't think this will ever go to court. But when I told my lawyer about this she laughed her head out.
::shakes head:: the audacity of some people. do they have no shame?
Scary thing is, I am willing to bet there are people out there who have fallen for the scam.
bees knees: Nope. Con artists and their likes can't have shame. That was an easy question. Any more of those questions? Do I get a prize if I get them all right? :P
bent: You know you are right. And yes, it is scary. But if there were no fools to be parted from their money these guys wouldn't keep at it. The fact that there are numerous scams online and the in spite of most people knowing about these the crooks still try their luck means at least a few times it pays.
It was funny the way you told the story, so we got a laugh over it. The first thing that popped in my head was, why doesn't this guy GET A LIFE? I mean, does he really think he can get away with it?? He actually took the time to look at your blog then email you about it, demanding money!?? Un-bee-lee-vable. Is he Portuguese??
And BTW, I am guilty of so much photo or illustration stealing on my blog it is not funny. Let 'em sue me!
The e-mail was writen in Portuguese. The place where it seems to have originated doesn't seem like a pranck, but with e-mail it's very hard to tell if it really is coming from one place or if it's just spoofed.
that's awesome! loved the twist at the end. when i have my own (bigger) place, I really would like to have things like that fountain in my house.
vesparosso: Wherever we go, in Portugal or abroad, we try to buy something of the local crafts as a memento. With time our place started to be full of weird stuff, ranging from rag dolls to a bull whip (including canvas, pottery, etc...).
Oh my God! Insanity!
portuguesa: Curiously the creature never insisted…
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