Friday, September 09, 2005


Kris has this image on her blog.

Clicking on this image (either on Kris' blog or here) will take you to a page with the "definition" of Aloha.

I just wish this spirit to exist outside Hawai'i.
It would be a better world.
Anyway, thank you for this reminder Kris.


Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

You're welcome! I'm glad I figured out how to make a "referring" link from an image. Getting smarter, aren't I? :)

9/9/05 08:46  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: It has nothing to do with smart, you're smart even though sometimes you're not very 'computer savvy', but you don't really need more, with your 'resident technician' and your geek friends. Of course one of these days you'll have to include tech service in the allowance.

9/9/05 12:27  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Aloha. A beautiful way to live. I'm going to send it to everyone with children.

9/9/05 13:24  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

One other comment. Just reading it has made me feel a calm inside.

Interesting the way our thoughts influence how we feel.

9/9/05 13:26  
Blogger SC&A said...

Great post- talk about confluence.

9/9/05 15:00  
Blogger Cream said...

The word "Aloha" conveys Rolling Surf, Light Breeze, Hawaiian Music, Wide Smiles and Gentle Sunshine...
Thanks for the kind comment about Papa's drawing...

9/9/05 19:11  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Talk about falling in love with a place. In Hawai’i you feel it in the air. Maybe not so much in the tourist crowded areas, but when you step off the beaten track it is really amazing. People DO make you feel at home, they do live aloha.

s,c&a: At this stage of Earth history I believe most reasonable persons have the same cravings and anxieties, thus confluence is to be expected. At least among people with a working brain between their ears.

cream: Most of all it conveys peacefulness and good will. No need to thank, it is a good job.

9/9/05 22:27  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

DC, it is so true. It's what I felt the minute I stepped off the plane when I first arrived in Hawaii (helped by the fact that there are no jetways in Kona! So the tradewinds hit you full force) You want to feel it so much, all the time, you do end up moving over! Also, even in tourist crowded places there is the Aloha spirit. It is everywhere here.

DC, should I tell the Twilight Zone readers about your book meme? And direct them to the page to see it?

10/9/05 09:21  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: You ARE already telling them. LOL

10/9/05 09:30  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

It is a super cool concept, indeed. I wonder if any other cultures have it.

My neighbor growing up was Hawaiian, and quite a unique person.

10/9/05 21:27  
Blogger DCveR said...

portuguesa nova: First of all WELCOME!!!
So far I have never heard about any similar concept embraced by an entire culture and extensive to everybody foreigners included. The extensive to ALL is the unique part, as far as I can see it, also the most beautiful if I may add.

10/9/05 21:50  

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