Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The turd third world ISPs

The moving is over, I’m settled.
The nest is ready for GH’s arrival next month.
The internet connection however is a whole different tale. My damned ISP has blocked my account due to “technical reasons” that seem to prevent them from providing me the bandwidth I used to have. In the process they failed to inform me that my service had been canceled, only by moving some influences did I manage to find out what was going on. Get a new ISP? It will take AT LEAST 6 to 8 weeks for me to get a new service running. There is no such a thing as a good ISP in Portugal.
So, for the time being I’m stuck with a UTMS connection (hanging on the 3G cell phone network), paying loads of money for a lousy turtle-speed internet connection.
This is the reason why I’ve been away and probably will still be away for some time more.
I’ve been missing your posts, but hopefully soon I’ll be back in the bloggosphere.

On a sadder note: after almost three weeks off I still haven't managed to go to the beach, now that finally some free time is on the horizon the weather is playing tricks on me!


Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Have been missing you lately and when you get more speed check out my latest beach photos. Family is here and we've been beaching it almost every day. When you and GH come to visit we'll take you out there too. Hope an ISP comes through and you come back soon!!

20/7/06 10:49  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm just back from two weeks off, so it's nice to see that I haven't missed much.

20/7/06 15:25  
Blogger Annie said...

We missed you too...

20/7/06 17:41  
Blogger Christine said...

*Waves* :o)

Terrible about the ISP, glad you took the time out to let us know how you're doing.

See you...


20/7/06 21:44  
Blogger DCveR said...

TGOV: Go on. Make fun of my isolation! The despair has reach new heights though: I've turned on the damned tellie to watch the news!!!

Kris: Talking about beach… this is my third week off and still no time to go to the beach. Guess when I’m back at work there will be more time to sun bathing! I’ll try and check your blog with this cell phone based thingy.

Chill daddy: From here you’ve missed zilt.

Annie: Thanks. These hiatus will soon be over I hope.

Christine: There may be a solution in sight. Maybe next week things are back on track.

20/7/06 22:19  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Eeks! 6-8 weeks?! Why don't they just put the gun in your hand. In light of your plight (for lack of a better word) remind me to stop sniping at my ISP.

21/7/06 23:09  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...


I feel your pain. Actually I don't because I have a decent broadband server that never seems to break down, so can't complain. However this last week I've been struggling with my pc that developed gremlins. Had to by Norton System Works to kick its arse and duly my pc's arse was kicked. It's in tip top condition again.

Wow, just realised that this post is all me me me me me me when I should be lamenting you you you you.

Still, missed you while you were gone, glad you're on the way back.

In the film Lawrence of Arabia there's a famous scene where Omar Sharif appears out of the desert. It starts with Lawrence and his guide by a well and on the shimmering horizon a tiny speck is seen that grows larger and larger until it becomes a figure on a camel and finally the magnificent and regal Omar Sharif who then shoots the guide dead.

Wait... that speck on the horizon... (shades eyes with hand).. is it... you?

22/7/06 11:20  
Blogger DCveR said...

bent: All DSL providers use the network that belongs to my previous ISP (state owned company...), if a client decides to change the network takes that long to be ready (do you buy it? I don't). Still, I've solved the problem, got my self some new equipment and changed to cable service, not as good but it is working.

dan: The speck is indeed me! I'm back!!!

22/7/06 20:43  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I am still trying to get organised after my move to the boyfs so I understand what you're going through. I would *love* a 2 week break myself. 6-8 weeks for a new ISP is shocking! I hope you're all ordered up!

23/7/06 12:49  
Blogger DCveR said...

nml: Moving over to the boyf? :D
I've missed a lot in my absence...
Glad for you both!

23/7/06 23:26  

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