Monday, July 24, 2006

Some things happen all over the world

One of GG’s posts brought this to my mind:

Some years ago two of our friends got married and she moved to his place. Back then she didn’t have a car and she used to walk to and from the bus stop, walking every single day in front of a big construction site. Every single morning and every single afternoon the guys in the construction site would cheer and make jokes when she passed. You know the kind of remarks. Well, after a couple of months passing by those guys she was getting kind of used to ignoring them. One day as she was passing two guys on a motorbike tried to snatch her purse, but they hit the sidewalk has they did so and they crashed.
The rude guys from the construction site walked out and roughed up the would-be robbers a bit, keeping them there until the police arrived.
From that day on she started to answer their cheers and jokes and amazingly their remarks got less rude.


Blogger Unknown said...

So a relationship forged between two parties due to an attempted mugging, interesting stuff DC it goes to show that to some the stereo-typed can be as rude and brash as they like but when wrong is done they adopt a caring and considerate side,the world and its people work in mysterious ways...

24/7/06 14:55  
Blogger Unknown said...

yey! you're back!
and waaaw next month! how awesome!!

i bet there will be another week long absence since the two of you will probably be busy... am... cleaning together... or something. :)

24/7/06 16:02  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Sadly, Dcver, being friendly doesn't always help can lead to more harrassment sometimes. Some guys take it as a come on. That's why I said we have to learn to use our instincts.

24/7/06 19:13  
Blogger DCveR said...

cave renovator: Sometimes the rude remarks are in fact innocent, sometimes they are in fact evil. As GG said in her post, it is walking a thin line.

ale: Ice cream... ok, and cleaning also, if you like to put it that way! ;)

GG: Same here, sometimes being friendly can even become dangerous. And yet sometimes the remarks come out of people who simply don't have any social skills although they are good people deep down. And I confess I can't tell the difference, maybe your women's intuition can be tuned to that... but I do agree with you, it's a thin line indeed.

24/7/06 22:35  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

for once those guys are good for something!

25/7/06 03:54  
Blogger Cream said...

Great anecdote, DC.
Every cloud has a silver lining!

25/7/06 09:53  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Depending on the mood I sometimes talk to those kinds of guys.

25/7/06 18:11  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know a five-foot tall woman who chased down a purse snatcher in Washington DC. She beat the crap out of the guy and held him down herself until the police arrived.

She's one of my nastier co-workers (I kind of felt sorry for the guy when I heard the story)

25/7/06 19:21  
Blogger DCveR said...

cadiz: From what she told us they were rather caring helping her. Nothing like she had ever expected.

cream: Not so sure about that myself, but I do must admit sometimes clouds aren't as ugly as they seem.

chill daddy: That reminds me of a friend who got thrown out of police school for beating the crap out of a self defense instructor who had pinched her butt. She was a kick boxing champion...

26/7/06 08:27  
Blogger Hayden said...

interesting incident. wonder how much of their improved behavior was because she behaved differently, and how much was because they had assumed the role of protector? The dynamic changed both ways, I'm guessing. Men who somehow get put into a protective role always seem to be more polite in general - I guess protector and predator are too opposed.

30/7/06 02:59  
Blogger DCveR said...

hayden: You're guess is as good as mine when it comes to what changed their behavior, I really don't know. But I can't agree when you say protector and predator are too opposed, after all most predators take care of their offspring, of their mates, etc...

30/7/06 11:05  

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