Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Cloaked Man

I got the idea for this post from Ale and all her nonsense about me being the King of Portugal. She is an American and surely unfamiliar with the fact that our current King is but a twat joke, so I didn't take that comment as an insult.
Instead it brought to mind an old legend immortalized by a memorable fado song: o Fado do Embuçado.

Noutro tempo a Fidalguia
Que deu brado nas toiradas
E andava p'la Mouraria
Em muito palácio havia
Descantes e Guitarradas

A história que eu vou contar
Contou-me certa velhinha
Certa vez que eu fui cantar
Ao salão de um Titular
Lá para o Paço da Rainha

E nesses salão doirado
De ambiente Nobre e sério
Para ouvir cantar o Fado
Ia sempre um Embuçado
Personagem de mistério.

Mas certa noite ouve alguém
Que lhe disse, erguendo a fala:
- Embuçado, nota bem:
Que hoje não fique ninguém
Embuçado nesta sala!

E ante a admiração geral
Descobriu-se o Embuçado
Era El-Rei de Portugal
Houve beija-mão real
E depois cantou-se o Fado

The Noble Peers of yore
Who exulted in the bullfights
And who strode the Moorish neighborhood
In many palaces there was
Decants and playing

The story I’m about to tell
Was told to me by an old Lady
Once when I was singing
At the hall of a Nobleman
Near the Queen’s Palace

And in that golden hall
Of noble atmosphere
To listen to the Fado
A Cloaked Man was always present
Character of mystery

Then one night someone said
To him, raising the voice:
-Mind you Cloaked Man:
Nobody shall stay today
Cloaked in this room!

For general astonishment
The Cloaked Man revealed himself
He was the King of Portugal
People kissed his hand
And then Fado was sung.

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Blogger DCveR said...

tacit: First of all now that you all know our king is an idiot I resent that!
This said, the answer to that is: never. Guess I am not one of the cool bloggers. Our privacy comes first, it is a question of personal choice, not that I think everybody should take this choice of course.

2/3/06 19:38  
Blogger Unknown said...

ehem... firstly i'm not an american - but i don't mind, for your purposes i might as well be-

secondly- i was trying to make fun of you by saying you're a king :) but never insulting- cos even if you're not a king, you're definitely the "boss"

2/3/06 22:49  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: Not an American? Oh well, you got me fooled, then where are you from?
As for the making fun of me part, thanks, I had noticed that bit. Regarding the insult thingy, you'd probably never heard about our king, but no normal Portuguese guy would like to be likened to him... trust me on this one. :D

2/3/06 23:02  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

you gotta trust ale; her instincts are dead on when it comes to royalty.

3/3/06 06:33  
Blogger Unknown said...

How about a picture of the back of your head or something - you know, to give us the assurance that we're not dealing with some sort of computer-generated psuedo-personality, posing as a blogger.

Yes. The back of your head would be a good start, so commands the King of America.

3/3/06 12:54  
Blogger DCveR said...

cadiz: LOL

chill dad: I wouldn't follow my own king's orders! ;)

3/3/06 13:44  
Blogger Unknown said...

And how do you respond to the allegations that you are, in fact, not real person, but an experiment in artificial intelligence, designed to dupe dim-witted bloggers like me into believing they're interacting with an actual human being?

Because I'm really beginning to wonder >DCVER<, if that is indeed your real name.

3/3/06 15:09  
Blogger DCveR said...

chill daddy: With laughter. And if a photo of any Joe would suffice to prove to you I am a human, than my friend that photo would not prove me human, although it would surely prove you gullible. :D

3/3/06 15:17  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm... I don't know 'any Joe', so yeah, it'd probably fool me.

3/3/06 16:44  
Blogger DCveR said...

chill dad: But now that you mention it, I guess if I were to take that question seriously the only way I could actually prove it would be through video conference, anything else could easily be forged.

3/3/06 17:00  
Blogger Mike said...

I love a good fado! This post made my day :)

Oh, Chill Daddy's comments raise a good suggestion... I wonder how well you would fare in a Turing test...

3/3/06 17:54  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Aww, darn, I thought you just couldn't wait to be king :-D

Just teasing you, Dcver. You're not king, you were a pharoah. Notice use of past tense.

Everybody knows where Ale is from :-)

4/3/06 22:57  

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