Saturday, December 03, 2005

They shoot horses, don't they?

Lisbon, subway station, a few years ago: a guy jumps in front of an incoming train. Train comes to a halt faster than it was supposed, emergency brakes don’t stop the train before it runs over the jumper, although the quick stop ends up causing some bruises on passengers of the said train. When the train back up, the jumper is in the ditch between tracks, alive, with a broken arm. He missed the train front, the rails and the electrified third rail. Everybody shouts at that idiot: passengers who got hurt, passengers who have to wait a lot longer for their train, everybody laughs at him too.

Montijo (across the river from Lisbon), a few years ago: a guy jumps off the new bridge over the Tagus river. He jumps from the lowest part of the bridge over some muddy marches. Gets stuck waist deep in the mud, the fire department takes almost an entire morning to manage to pull him out, the fact that he wasn’t helping and even tried to bite some of the rescuers had some weight on it. TV was a lot faster getting there than the rescuers getting him out, during that morning people all over laughed about the idiot who jumped feet first from a second store height into mud.

Ponte 25 de Abril (between Lisbon and Almada), also a few years ago: A guy spray paints the words “Amo-te Marisa” (I love you Marisa) all over his car. He stops his car on the bridge, jumps off and gets stuck on the bridge’s cables. After being taken to the hospital he tries to run away towards the bridge again. The hospital is just across the bridge, but he falls breaking a foot while trying to go back to his jumping spot.

Laranjeiro (suburb near Almada), yada, yada: A guy who has drinking problems, gambling problems and whose wife cheats him time and again decides to put an end to his own misery by means of a firegun. He takes two shots at his own head, not one but two shots. He is taken to the hospital, he survives albeit blind. His wife and her lover take care of him, adding insult to injury.

Near Beja, yesterday: A teenager tries to hang himself from his balcony with a rope so thin you could break it with your hands. The guy ends up naked and all messed up, both legs broken, until finally after an entire day someone else arrives home and finds him. The doctor said every visit shouted at him.

Now… by principle I am against suicide. On the other hand I am in favor of euthanasia, inconsistent has that may seem.
Don’t get me wrong. I can understand some people have valid reasons to want to die.
I can also understand some people take a coward escape by killing themselves, although I can’t agree with that. Last but not least, some people have mental problems and need help.
But when I think about these poor losers, people who not only can’t put an end to their misery but who also end up being laughed at while trying, I guess I should completely review my stand on suicide.
There are cases of people who "try" to commit suicide only to get some attention, although they don't really want to die. But not these ones, these were people really trying to end it all.
These people deserved a suicide helpdesk, someone to tell them how to put an end to their misery without further humiliation.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I think suicide is seen as the absolute, only way out for people suffering from depression. I once listened to a woman talk about her depression on the radio, it was a mind-opener for me, she said there were days so dark, you're in a tunnel, no light at the end. You just want to die, she said.

It is a sick, it's just that we can't see it.

And then there are the idiots like the one jumping in front of the train...

3/12/05 10:44  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

It is a's an illness.

3/12/05 10:45  
Blogger jonny said...

"Now… by principle I am against suicide. On the other hand I am in favor of euthanasia, inconsistent has that may seem"

not at all.

The conclusion is interesting although I saw the laughter as somehow life-reaffirming in (possibly) a "I don't know how to deal with this situation" way.

I'm sure in other countries there would be little to no laughter at all.

You really shouldn't need to have help killing yourself, if you've got the guts to go to the extent of actually getting your body to ignore the fear and jump under a fast-moving, dense object, but...they knew how to destroy their bodies.

Yes. Very interesting.

3/12/05 11:05  
Blogger Cream said...

DC, I really had a good laugh at the examples of failed suicide bids.
But as GG says, when you are depressed beyond help, suicide seems to be the only way out for some.
In Britain, the Samaritans do provide a lot of support but suicides still occur.

3/12/05 11:36  
Blogger Unknown said...

depressed people are really no laughing matter- its tough because its hard to help them---

it does make me incredibly annoyed at these people that try to commit suicide in public places that interferes with traffic etc-

a few years ago my friend was visiting me in NY from chicago, and after a roudy night out on the town we were driving home accross brooklyn bridge, than we were all stopped- why? - because some dude was on top of the bridge trying to jump- at first people were sympathetic shouting advise and stuff like- don't be silly-come down here this instant-- but after like an hour of standing around outside our cars in the middle of the bridge watching the police helicopters circling at the top- people got pissed and were like: JUST JUUUUMP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!! YOU DUMB A$$- I GOTTA GO HOOOOME!

people like that only want attention- at the end the guy finally came down and they took him away in a police car-

3/12/05 13:42  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Those are the ones who need help. Although most of the depression cases I've come across are mostly a problem of inertia, some people don't even move to help themselves.

jonny: Why do you think there is that difference? I mean it's not like people burst into laughing when it happens, people are shocked here too, but the moment they realize the suicide attempt failed and notice how ridiculous the guy/gal has become they start laughing.

cream: Most of the people who call the police here are just nut cases who need someone to talk to, I guess that alone is a sign. But people willing to call the police or to make up some strange disease and go to the doctor won't as easily face reality and call someone for help regarding what they really feel.

penny: It is not just a question of luck, people must have the will to face their problems and the courage to accept help.

3/12/05 13:47  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: You sneaked in just now, huh?! You're right. There is this bridge in Lisbon that goes over a very busy avenue, the bridge is quite high and so they had to place barbed wire and nets to keep jumpers from using it: can you imagine what it is like to be hit by a jumper while you are driving? A friend of ours crashed to avoid running over a body some years ago, imagine if the guy had hit his car.

3/12/05 13:50  
Blogger Unknown said...

hmmm, interesting stuff. An illness yes and a very broad topic with no doubt countless points of view. Lots of these people do need help agreed. Who knows what goes on inside the mind of "potential jumpers etc" The human being is ultimatly so complex that even with help some (not all) cannot have their intentions reversed?

3/12/05 14:11  
Blogger Shyha said...

I don't think I would laugh at some of this poor guys while beeing in a plase when this happened (maybe I would seeing this guy in mud) and I feel very, very queasy while reading texts like 'Darwin awards' and I am very shocked seeing people laughing off every of the cases. Most of people mentioned in DA are really dumb but it's rather tragic than funny.
Btw. have any of you ever had a blink of an idea to kill yourself? I don't mean of anything serious but just a blink. I had but I don't think I could do such thing.

3/12/05 16:36  
Blogger Caribbean Colors Belize said...

Bigness's ex-commonlaw wife committed suicide a few years back. They had 2 daughters together - who are adults now, but they had never been married. He had taken care of her financially even after they split up, she had never worked outside the home. She was manic depressive and suicidal for most of their relationship, although it went undiagnosed until the very end (30 year relationship), when she walked into the sea and drowned herself. Bigness and I were dating at that point, but not living together. She continued to threaten suicide. I told him it was for attention and to stop falling for it over and over again. He stopped and she finally succeeded, slipping out of the house when the nurse's back was turned. I think she was beyond help and here in Belize there is no real mental health facility. There are like 2 psychiatrists for the entire country. I'm still conflicted about it, obviously. I don't blame myself for her death, her problems started way way way before I entered the scene. I feel like it was an inevitability, but regretful. I have a tendency towards depression, and if I caved in to it I could be a basket case. Every morning I wake up I decide whether I'm going to be crazy or not. Most mornings I decide to not be crazy.

3/12/05 16:40  
Blogger DCveR said...

CR: May guess would be none of us will ever know for sure. Even those people who consider it and in spite of it go on living and fighting can't know for sure what goes on inside those who actually try it.

penny: No, what I meant was that luck isn't important if the person doesn't help herself, just that.

shyha: But I do laugh at most of the Darwin awards, those are not suicides, those are accidents, usually accidents any fool could prevent. And although it may shock you, I agree the world is much better off without the kind of idiot that does the stuff you find at the Darwin Awards.

CC: You say you have a tendency for depression (something I don't understand fully, I confess), but you face it. Even if you have to do a choice every morning, you face your problem. Most important of all, you recognise that problem, that allows you to do something about it and allows others to help you. You live in a beautiful place, you are talented, there are people all over the world who admire you (me included), you have a life that is worth living and I bet that if I knew you better I could add more things worth living for to this list. The person you described seems like someone who had never achieved anything, she was always catered to but she did nothing, that is not living to start with.

3/12/05 23:26  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I just realised that the guy who jumped in front of the train was not doing a stunt or a dare, that it was a suicide attempt.

I've read so much about people suffering from depression, I've seen someone suffer from it [not diagnosed].

It's an illness, you just can't see it, and because we can't 'see' it, we are impatient with it. Inertia is just one of the symptoms of depression.

4/12/05 02:06  
Blogger Mike said...

I think if I was going to kill myself, it would have to be something fool-proof... Something that couldn't possibly fail... Like jumping into an active volcano!

4/12/05 04:21  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

I've been depressed to the point where suicide was attempted suicide...twice. I was 15 and thankfully dumb enough to use blunt instruments or I wouldn't be here. It was later discovered I have BPD (Borderline Personaity Disorder) and I'm bipolar to boot.

Anyhoo, does it make me a horrible person if I find a couple of those botched attempts a little funny?

5/12/05 05:18  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: If it was anything but a suicide attempt THEN the guy really deserved to die.

viking: Actually jumping into the opening of an active volcano is nearly impossible. Sorry. There goes your fool proof...

bent: They all look funny from a certain point of view.Specially the muddy jumper, after all if you have a huge bridge and you really want to jump you don't pick the lowest point... plus another wee detail - that mud stinks. Ok, maybe I am a terrible person.

5/12/05 06:40  
Blogger iluvnyc said...

we all go thru depression... but i really feel bad for those who go thru all those bad moments and seem not find any solution... and they think suicide is the only way out...

some are scared of death, but maybe when they come to the lowest moment of their life, death becomes extremely appealing, huh? hmm....

5/12/05 07:44  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

I never really understood severe depression until I had a (brief, thankfully) bout with it myself some years back. This is not a mere case of the blues, but a condition where everything seems bleak, hopeless, not worth living, etc. Even though I would never have committed suicide, because of the effect on those left behind, I confess sometimes I thought to myself that death would be better than living and I wasn't doing anyone any good by being around. Hard to contemplate that now, but it was the case. Getting "help" did not help either. Especially medication, which only made things worse. It gradually lifted on its I can understand the people who feel so f'd up that they believe there is no other option. I believe "botching' the attempt it is more or less subconscious... in other words, they really don't 'want' to go through with it.

5/12/05 16:58  
Blogger Shyha said...

bent & DC: I don't think you're horrible because you laugh at this cases. I just wanted to say that some time ago I started to feel sorry for them. And btw. I am talking about DA.

5/12/05 18:31  
Blogger DCveR said...

iluvnyc: Although I like some 'risky' sports and sometimes I've streched it a bit death never seemed appealing to me. Sorry, can't fully understand that, I can accept that to be the answer, yet I can't fully understand the feeling.

kris: It's hard to understand how someone like you could ever feel that way, what with a wonderful family, living in the most beautiful place ever, being successful in your work and all...
Yet two of my friends killed themselves and they were both successful people, both professionaly and personally. Two persons who seemed to have perfect lives.

shyha: Ok, maybe some of the DA's deserve our compassion, but when I think about the guy that messed with the golf ball cleaner and can't say anything but "suits him fine", and he was but an honorable mention.

5/12/05 19:12  

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