Thursday, December 01, 2005

Restoration Day

Today is a holiday here. Today the Portuguese celebrate the restoration of their independence after 60 years of Spanish rule.
When in 1580 D. Henrique, the Cardinal King, died without an heir Portugal fell under Spanish rule.
How come we had a Cardinal for a King to start with? Well, D. Henrique was the regent to our throne because the previous king, D. Sebastião, had disappeared in Africa, during a war expedition. D. Henrique succeeded him because although a man of the cloth he was the next in succession.
Just the same way Filipe II of Spain and I of Portugal was the next in succession after the Cardinal King had died.
Those 60 years of rule were marked by over-taxation of the Portuguese people, by the destruction of most of our navy and a lot more things that raged the Portuguese people into several unsuccessful rebellions.
Things got worst than ever when D. Filipe IV of Spain III of Portugal got Count Olivares for his Minister assigning him the actual rule of Portugal (mind you this is the same man that Catalonia hates too: Olivares had taken Catalonia what little independence it had, thus causing their people to start a revolution).
Our revolution brought us back our independence in 1640, led by King John the IV.



Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Happyyyy Restoration Day. I hope you're restoring nicely after your travels. What do you all do on this day?

1/12/05 13:27  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Thank you. Mostly Xmas shopping. Although I am working almost like if it weren't a holiday, sad to say.

1/12/05 13:47  
Blogger Unknown said...

history lesson- good- cus' my brain needs restoration from all the deteriorating it did when you were on a holiday-- me need input-- need input-- !!

1/12/05 14:31  
Blogger Cream said...

I'd like a week off to get restore my trapped nerve. It's still trapping me after two weeks!
Hail King John IV for bringing back independence to Portugal!

1/12/05 21:40  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Well, D, I hope you're working on a way to rid the world of mosquitoes, they're driving me nuts right now.

Cream, you still have that trapped nerve? How does a nerve get 'trapped'?

2/12/05 01:02  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: Come on, come on, don't try to make me feel guilty for not posting during my vacations.

cream: Thought by now you were already healed. That really sucks. Hope you get well soon.

GG: Nope, that is not my current work I'm afraid. Sorry.

2/12/05 08:22  
Blogger Shyha said...

Happy restoration day! Hope you feel ok today ;) Is this day celebrated very loudly? (parades, special programs in tv)? Are the people heavily involved in this celebration? Sad to say but ours (11th of November) is very important but people aren't keen on parades. I think it's government fault as, for example, there was nothing happening in my city. Unfortunately I ain't the example of a person very aware of many things happening around me...

2/12/05 08:34  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: Nope, this is one of those holidays most people don't actually 'celebrate', they just take the time off to go into the malls and do their xmas shopping.

2/12/05 09:31  

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