Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Behold thy nourishment !!!

Grey is carbon, blue is nitrogen, red is oxigen, white is hydrogen.
Basically this is it.
Duck tape can hold the world together (or so some claim), but caffeine gets it moving.
Still tired from the trip and the jet lag, but my dearest co-workers managed to save a lot of work for me! Aren't they sweet? Three days of problems and I still have a lot of things in the "inbox".
Well, I'm off to get some more coffee, by the way things are moving I probably will have to stay here until late.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Water and apple have the same effect, they get you zipping along...and they're healthier.

hehehe, just thought I'd write that bit of sly anti-coffee thought, snicker...go ahead, shoo me away :-D

30/11/05 14:12  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: Yeah, right. It's like that saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". True enough, at least if your aiming is good. And I guess if you throw it hard enough you don't even need to do it everyday: a good smack right between the eyes should keep the doctor away for at least a week or so.

30/11/05 14:35  
Blogger Cream said...

So, is the molecule, caffeine or duck tape?
GG, Apple and Water will only keep you awake if you play that game of fishing the apple from an ice-cold bowl of water with your teeth. Can't remember the name but it will keep you awake long after you've got to the core!

30/11/05 15:06  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

One time when I was trying to cross the border from East to West Berlin, I used duct tape to build a hang glider. I leaped of the nearest tall building and landed safely on the side of Democracy.

30/11/05 15:49  
Blogger Impossible Jane said...

Good luck on getting back to work. It's hard, I know.

30/11/05 16:13  
Blogger Unknown said...

Cream, you're talking about 'bobbing for apples', and that molecule... it kinda looks like the devil to me.

30/11/05 16:29  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Haha, that sure is a tough way to keep the doctor away, Dcver.

Oh, so that's bobbing for apple.

Wow, did anyone see what thephoenixnyc wrote here?

30/11/05 21:49  
Blogger Shyha said...

gg: i did, and i'm very anxious to hear the full story

1/12/05 07:50  
Blogger Cream said...

Exacly like Shyha, I noticed his flight from East to West. ThephoenixNYC will have to write something about it!
That would be a fantastic story!

1/12/05 08:34  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Dc... you need some Kona coffee... don't you think??

1/12/05 08:51  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: Caffeine, the molecule is caffeine. Bobbing for apples in this weather? No thanks, I'll stick to my coffee.

phoenix: Hope you're posting the full story on that...

jane: Thanks. Same as when you got back from Switzerland, I know. :)

chill daddy: Caffeine ain't the devil!!! Coffee is GOOD.

GG: I would never do that to my doc though, after all she is a friend too.

isis: Thank you.

kris: I'll stick with my Brazillian coffee. I've tried some Kona coffee and it seems weaker.

1/12/05 09:10  

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