Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Thanksgiving is an American tradition and as such it is not celebrated elsewhere, however for the last five years I've been in the US during Thanksgiving Day (except for last year, but we'll get there).
Since the first time this happened and for three years Good Half and I would have a first dinner at some friends, who wouldn't take a refusal to their invitation unless if caused by dire events, and a second dinner later the same day at other friends' place.
Although the difference in schedules allowed this to happen, one 'dinner' at 2PM and the second at about 9PM, anyone who has ever been to a Thanksgiving dinner knows it is a very dangerous "sport" to go through two such dinners on the same day.
Well, this year our friends of the 2PM dinner have moved to the East coast and so we couldn't make it to their dinner.
This was rather sad. We missed them a lot. And those of you who are thinking we simply miss the food are wrong.
The fact is we really love H&M. H&M are a terrific couple.
Last year I wasn't able to make it to their dinner, in fact I didn't make it to the US in November because my father was terribly hill and the doctors said he wouldn't make it past the end of November. The doctors were wrong and he is doing ok right now, for those of you wondering. Well, in March I went to Corvallis and guess what, H&M invited us over for dinner (normal, usual between friends, we get invited for dinners all the time and we invite people for dinner all the time too). What is not normal is for a couple to prepare a full Thanksgiving dinner as a surprise for me to make it up for missing the real one.
That should give you folks an idea why do we miss'em so much, they are the kind of friends who really go out of their way just to put a smile on another friends face.
As GH's work in the US comes to an end we rejoice with the idea of being together again and of not having to support two houses and a lot of trips back and forth. At the same time, this will also mean seeing some of our friends less than we'd like to.


Blogger Unknown said...

ha! I love H&M too!!!! They're cheap but still made OK! (the clothes that is) hehe

they sound like a fun bunch-

waw so GH was out there (well, here) for 3yrs...

did you guys have oregon wine???

u know i think you guys should continue to have thnksgiving dinner when in portugal- why not!?

29/11/05 19:58  
Blogger Cream said...

I'd love one to be in America during

Friends are like gold dust, DC.

29/11/05 20:39  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Aren't friends great?! I couldn't get by without mine.

29/11/05 23:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, those *are* truly great friends! holy crap, i just realized you were in the states!? your pictures are fantastic!

word verification: gpnahjlz
dayum! could that be any longer???

29/11/05 23:58  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: Sadly yes, we had Oregon wine, again. Some of our friends are in the wine industry there. America makes great sodas, some great microbrews too. You should stick to fountain drinks and beer and leave the wine making to those who know how to do it.

cream: Each time I see one of those re-enactments of the first real thanksgiving I can't avoid to think on the darker side of it - how they thanked the Indians later.

bent: We're lucky with our friends, very lucky in fact.

bees: Yup, I had said so. It's not like it was a secret. :P

30/11/05 00:13  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Well, consider it a change of scenery. That was probably the cause of getting your good friends in oregon in the first place, when the situation changes you'll meet new people and new scenarios, and perhaps they'll meet each other. You might even catch new friends elsewhere, and perhaps even on the east coast as your already accuinted moved there...

30/11/05 00:34  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Perhaps H&M can visit you in Portugal where you could make them one of your very interesting dishes.

It's great that GH is coming home! There's always some bittersweet to life, isn't there?

30/11/05 09:25  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

what sweet friends. it's a shame that you won't be able to see them often, but very nice to have both halves together on a more daily basis, no?

and i'm glad that your father is doing all right, too.

there's a lot to be thankful for.

30/11/05 10:52  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: Yes, you are right. And it happened before. That is exactly why we have friends in many other places. Friends we seldom see too.

kris: They have very busy lifes too and it won't be easy, but we sure wish they can come and visit one day.

cadiz: And that is the most important thing, we've had enough of this long distance every two months thingy.

isis: Romantic time alone... LOL We wish! We managed to have some time alone, and yes it was romantic for the most part, but still she had to work almost everyday.

30/11/05 13:25  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

The friends you have are a reflection of the kind of friends you and GH are, Dcver.

You sound like loyal, giving people :-)

30/11/05 14:10  
Blogger Ariadne said...

Hi DCver :)

I'm happy to know that you'll have your Good Half back and that you have such good friends around the world :)

You are a very rich and lucky man, DC... and I am sure that you deserve every bit of it.


30/11/05 22:25  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

every two months? that really sucks. i'm glad she's home to stay soon.

1/12/05 03:17  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG & ariadne: Thank you, you're being a bit over-flatering though, you're making me sound nicer than I really am.

cadiz: But it's almost over now.

1/12/05 09:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What thoughtful friends! And, I didn't realize you and GH were living in separate places...my fault for not reading carefully enough.

(by the way--love your response to Ale, Americans are really good at some things, but let's keep the wine in the Old Country, shall we? Except, wait, I take that back, some wines from VA are really exceptionally good. The wine growing started in VA when Thomas Jefferson brought an Italian vinter over, as some of the land near the mountains is similar to Tuscany). Okay, finished my lesson :)

2/12/05 00:55  
Blogger DCveR said...

vespa: We spend half the year in different continents until she ends her PhD (hopefuly in a couple of months), but it's not all that bad, I spend my holidays with her in the US (total 6 weeks every years), she used to spend her Summer here, she always spends Xmas and New Year here too. It's a high price to pay, but she is doing what she likes and so am I.

2/12/05 19:30  

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