Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Prima Donnas

I've sent a mail to a Portuguese artist in order to get permission to post some pics of the artist's work here. Using the e-mail address from the blog, of course.
Well, the said artist is indeed a sad artist because replying to strangers is beneath the artist's status.
Probably had I used my business e-mail address and had the creature known I also intended to buy one of the pieces things would have been a lot different.

I gained something out of this, I've learned that the artist in question is really some kind of Prima Donna and I'd better spend my money somewhere else (the truth being I don't like Prima Donnas).
You gained something too because you could've liked this artist's work and you could have tried to meet this creature thus coming to a disappointment.
The Prima Donna gained something too because this way get's to keep at least one of the masterpieces instead of having to sell it. Perhaps the Prima Donna's profit is even bigger, if there was any other potencial buyer among the readers of this poor blog.


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Maybe Prima Donna didn't get your letter? Or email? Or didn't get a chance to check out your blog?

Aw what the heck, maybe Prima Donna is just that, a prima donna!

Eventually, when word gets around about your blog, more artists / writers, etc. will ask you to put their work on your blog. Then you'll be the prima donna :-)

6/9/05 14:00  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

GG may be right. Did you ever listen to the song "stan" by Eminem.

Check it out.

6/9/05 15:43  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG and Phoenix: That could be true if it weren't for the fact that the subject has been brought up by a third party in a conversation with all parts involved. It's not the first time something of the kind happens in fact. Without wanting to give away too much detail: the e-mails were sent several months ago, a third party mentioned using pics on blogs, the artist I am referring to said such publicity would only favor bloggers because people searching the artist's name would be pointed to the blog. I'm too famous and important to even reply those blogger folks kind of attitude.

6/9/05 16:11  
Blogger Unknown said...

why can't have you just posted his work withgout asking?? as long as you mention whoose work it is, its not illegal?

if you happend to bump into him in a restaurant and had a conversation, than posted an entry quoting him... than i guess he could have had a problem with it.

i do think its rude not to respond- he should have just said that's not the kind of publicity he was looking for, or not his target market or whatever-

6/9/05 16:41  
Blogger DCveR said...

Ale: Because the artist got the third party I mentioned to ask me to take the pictures... I did it for free, but still I wouldn't just use them in a different place. Also it's not the first time I ask permission to post something and get no answer, it's just the first time with someone I've met.

6/9/05 16:45  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh you actually met him?

its a shame that people ONLY react when they see $$$$$ directly coming at them-- i thought artists perhaps might have been different.

6/9/05 20:12  
Blogger DCveR said...

ale: her

6/9/05 21:25  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

"Her" is a prima donna. "Her" doesn't know much about blogging either, and "Her" is a snob.

Like I said, when word gets around about your blog, about blogging...

7/9/05 02:44  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

She probably would not have noticed if you had posted them, but I see your point. At least you know now she is a diva.

I wonder about that often...do I have to get permission for posting other people's work?? But then, a blog is not a commericial enterprise and more of an artistic enterprise...right? so it becomes a gray question. I have learned how easily links can be followed though.. My link to a Washington Post story this morning was mentioned by them..."Bloggers who had something to say about this story were..." and I was on the list! (So can I now rightly claimed I've been "published" in the Washington Post?) yeah yeah, it's a stretch! :)

7/9/05 08:48  

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