Friday, July 29, 2005

It really is easier being the careless happy clown

Nobody likes Cassandra, Jiminy Cricket or any such annoying character.
The best conscience is the quiet one, as far as most people are concerned.
And then those famous words: "I told you so!".
What? I did tell them so...
(slightly sadistic smirk on my face, for those of you still in doubt)


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

"I told you so." hee hee...beautiful words when spoken by me :-)

Okay, okay, I don't say it...but when I'm right I sort of, kind of, insinuate...

I like Cassandra. She had psychic powers. ESP.

29/7/05 13:07  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

True, however a good friend is one who will be your conscience when you'd rather just ignore it. They watch your back. With love. I am thankful for my two good friends.

29/7/05 19:57  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...


30/7/05 01:08  
Blogger Mike said...

I just had an "I told you so" momment, 30 seconds ago. I am soooooo tempted to rub it in their faces, but I guess that won't solve anything. So I came here instead to tell the rest of the world...

"I told them so!!!"

30/7/05 21:50  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: when we say it sounds better ;)

BunnyJo: friends are different, I meant people I know but are not exactly friends, the kind of people you actually enjoy saying 'told ya so' to.

viking: feels good, doesn't it?

1/8/05 08:19  

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