Next Ice Age Please ! ! !
Before starting this post I must warn any creationist reader: you’d better not read this post; if you read this post you’d better refrain from commenting if you mean to 'convert me'; if you do comment to 'evangelize' you probably will either get an answer you don’t like or you’ll be ignored.
I am a man of science, I believe in facts and in proof.
Evolution has been proved.
Regression has also been proved.
Mankind seems to be regressing. Also, it has been shown that the greatest evolutionary leaps have been caused by dramatic changes, in climate for instance.
Thus, a dramatic change in our habitat poses a threat but also a chance to evolve. This is exactly what we need: evolution. Well, perhaps not exactly in technical terms, but in social terms.
Take a look at us all. Take a look at our laws. Our laws are becoming more restrictive by the year. More restrictive laws show that people need more restraining, that without those laws people would in fact do all the things those laws are meant to prevent.
The fact is even wild predators are not as nasty as Man is. Some of us have a lot, others have very little, and the gap is increasing.
Now imagine a big worldwide catastrophe. One that poses a really huge challenge to mankind.
The kind of problem that can only be surpassed if we all unite. Either we would evolve to a more peaceful existence or we’d perish.
Kind of a test. Wouldn’t it be great?
Well yes, sometimes people flunk, and this would be a hard test. But like in any test, the student should only pass if he deserves to pass...
If worst should come to worst and mankind should disappear, well, maybe cockroaches (Earth’s most likely heirs) would create a better society than we did.
All this said: bring on the next ice age, please!
I am a man of science, I believe in facts and in proof.
Evolution has been proved.
Regression has also been proved.
Mankind seems to be regressing. Also, it has been shown that the greatest evolutionary leaps have been caused by dramatic changes, in climate for instance.
Thus, a dramatic change in our habitat poses a threat but also a chance to evolve. This is exactly what we need: evolution. Well, perhaps not exactly in technical terms, but in social terms.
Take a look at us all. Take a look at our laws. Our laws are becoming more restrictive by the year. More restrictive laws show that people need more restraining, that without those laws people would in fact do all the things those laws are meant to prevent.
The fact is even wild predators are not as nasty as Man is. Some of us have a lot, others have very little, and the gap is increasing.
Now imagine a big worldwide catastrophe. One that poses a really huge challenge to mankind.
The kind of problem that can only be surpassed if we all unite. Either we would evolve to a more peaceful existence or we’d perish.
Kind of a test. Wouldn’t it be great?
Well yes, sometimes people flunk, and this would be a hard test. But like in any test, the student should only pass if he deserves to pass...
If worst should come to worst and mankind should disappear, well, maybe cockroaches (Earth’s most likely heirs) would create a better society than we did.
All this said: bring on the next ice age, please!
Bring it on:)
yeah i think we are deffinitely regressing-- world's evolution is like fashion... :) fashion repeats itself every 20 years, and so does civilization (just on longer time scale)
PS. i'm REFRAINING from commenting on the evolution/creation thing-
i guess that's the difference some people believe that "evolution has been proved" and some believe that "evolution has been proved WRONG" and we'll never agree.
Regression has been well documented - I swear the men I date are slowly reverting back to knuckle-dragging apes. (of course, what does this say about MOI?) egads.
my own thoughts on it?
(and there's me: always with my 2 cents worth...)
There is nothing I can think of to add to what you've said. I agree on all counts.
Interesting fact: the most vicious animal on earth is the housecat. It is the only animal that kills for fun, not for food. Or so I'm told. If I'm wrong about this, I'll be killing my dad. But not for food. me-ow.
Right, who's on for snowboarding for as long as it lasts?
It is as if you have lost faith in humanity.
Who said I ever had faith in mankind? There are a few honorable exceptions that qualify as human beings and there are the other 99,99% of biped creatures that can mimic all physical aspects of real humans but not their higher intelligence nor their values. Now it all depends on who's on your definition of mankind:
the real humans only - mankind is perfect but it's milieu is awful
the herd - mankind lives by the grace of the humans that help it getting by
the whole bunch - the humans only chance would be to find a new planet and leave the herd behind.
ps: actual statistical data may be hyped in this comment as a way of stressing my point, consider it artistic liberty
When you say 'regress' what do you mean? We're going back mentally? Emotionally? Physically?
GG: Mostly socially and mentally. Lack of respect, lack of values and lack of empathy.
Yeah, bring it on.
I still believe in humanity. And I believe in the ability of humanity to change. But they keep proving me wrong. Maybe another ice age is just what we need. Or a spontaneous combustion age, that would be fun to watch.
Dcver: Didn't they say that about the children of the '60s? That they were immoral, showed lack of respect, lack of values, and all that...all of which were qualities they needed to face up to the generation that needed the rearranging. They ended up bringing revolution to the world, and changing much for the good.
kris: First of all those children of the 60's are our rulers today so I will never agree that they 'brought a revolution', I think that for the most part they just sold out. And the truth is since those days our laws have evolved in the sense of avoiding an increasing lack of respect and tolerance for the next fellow. This happens when a society is collapsing. Just take a look around most places where a few years ago people wouldn't even lock their doors, where children could play outside without a care... Oh, and another symptom: look at all the security companies, surveillance cameras, alarms, etc...
Yay! Yay! Yay! Thank you, DCvR, for telling the truth! The flower children of the sixties DID sell out. I wrote a scathing editorial regarding this very thing a few months ago. We can thank them for mass media selling out instead of revealing the truth, programming the collective minds instead of informing them. We can thank them for the capitalistic downward spiral driven by their increasing need to see stock shares increase so they can retire on their nice, inflated stock dividends. We can thank them for corporate greed, out of control national debt and the societal imbalance of morality. But I still have some love left for them.
Hmmm, that is one reason why I live here in Hawaii. Children are safe, you can't really lock your house securely (since most houses are screened...) and people still hitch-hike safely!! Of course you have the occasional nut who commits a crime, but there are few places to run or hide really... although if someone wants to dump a body in the molten lava, you can imagine there wouldn't be a trace left. That's happened once or twice over the years.
I suppose many flower children DID sell out, but then many others are living quiet lives in obscure places since society has become so restrictive, like you say...
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