Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Group IQ calculation

Many years ago I was told how to calculate a group’s IQ.
It’s quite simple in fact:
1. Calculate each individual IQ.
2. Count the number of persons in the group.
3. Pick the smallest individual IQ and divide by the number of persons in the group.
A quick review of this calculation formula shows that even if there is a genius in a village, the village idiot’s IQ has a greater influence in the village’s life and future.
It also shows that the bigger the group the lower its IQ. In fact, have you ever heard about a great idea coming out of a crowd?
Now, taking mankind as the reference group and applying this IQ calculation we come to the conclusion that mankind’s overall IQ tends to zero. This could account for the fact that we are destroying the planet, killing each others and for the most of our global existence being utterly unhappy.


Blogger Shyha said...

That's as true as it is sad.
There will be election in Poland soon - new president and new parliament. If you knew those wackos... pricks... generally idiots... lol... I really fear the future of my country... I know the politics is a swamp and sewer but we have pretty deep one...
Just for an example take a look at the EU parliament and polish representatives from the parties called: LPR (Liga Polskich Rodzin -> League of Polish Families) and Samoobrona (Self-Defense). I'm sure you'll all say 'LOL'. If you believe in some godd just pray to keep those parties off the polish presidency and parliament. If you don't believe just wish my country some luck...
I hope that this IQ calculation will not work this time...

26/7/05 09:24  
Blogger cadiz12 said...

so is that what they're trying to combat when they get together all the smarty-pants for 'think tanks'? i wonder if think tanks actually work.

26/7/05 09:31  
Blogger Unknown said...

right on!

26/7/05 14:33  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Well said. However, don't discount the old adage "Birds of a feather flock together." Pick your friends carefully. You never know what their IQ could do to your group's average!

26/7/05 16:55  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Haha, Cadiz, I like that about the think tanks.

Dcver, I kinda wonder what the people during Hannibal time, and Roman times, and Napoleon times, and all the other war times used to say...

Seems that nothing changes about man.

And still we mulitiply and keep on living.

26/7/05 20:22  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

Yes, DH, Yes!

26/7/05 21:59  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: I'm too ashamed to say anything about our rulers or their opposition, they are just too bad to be true

cadiz: from what I've seen so far, smart people only get good intelectual interaction when in a non-formal atmosphere, thus most think tanks can't work, but this is just my opinion

ale: but I sssssooooooooo wish I was dead wrong

tacit: maybe, we try, but we can never be sure ;)

bunnyjo: always have done so

GG: sometimes you really are scary... that comment is the image of one of the most terrible possibilities - mankind stopped evolving

dark horse: don't know if you meant your village or our 'global village', but either way we all are in it chin deep at the very least...

26/7/05 23:28  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

No, no, D...no matter what, we will keep on multiplying! Nothing changes.

27/7/05 01:01  
Blogger Mike said...

So true dcver... And it scares us geniuses to death...

Bunnyjo is right on- Choose your friends carefully.

27/7/05 02:50  

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