Thursday, July 28, 2005

Toe shooting

Praise Shiva, for he indeed exists.
I mean, if there were no God of destruction, why would idiots be so destructive?
Well, so far I’ve been lucky enough that most idiots around me have only managed to hurt themselves.
But the fact that so far they only managed to shoot their toes doesn’t make me feel any safer: they are still loose guns, loaded, aimed at whatever comes their way.
Huuummm... before you start asking: yes, there are at least two senses to this post. The obvious one (obviously implied, that is) and the obscure one (a colleague of ours actually shot his own leg in a shooting range).


Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hee hee...oh, I should not be laughing...poor guy, how're his toes, what's he doing with a gun if he ain't a police or soldier?

28/7/05 14:50  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Owie! That reminds me of a story in my military days. Maybe I'll post about it one of these days. I can't tell how many times I've almost been shot by individuals who have no business carrying a weapon.

28/7/05 16:10  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

The only good a gun could provide, would be in the hands of homeless people as an life insurance thingey. Then no one would starv to death, and people might share things abit more fairly...

28/7/05 18:29  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

I have a friend who would be constitutionally opposed to any toe-shooting. Would totally ruin the mood for him. *Beware when your friend asks to rub your feet out of the blue.

As a reformed toe-shooter, I can say this: eventually you learn to watch where you aim that thing. Or you just put the weapon down, which has been my MO for some time now.

28/7/05 18:30  
Blogger DCveR said...

tacit: don't ask me details on the scene above, I only know what I have drawed, fortunately

GG: don't try to find and logical explanation to what happens when an idiot holds a gun

bent: yet that same asshole is going to become an immigration officer here...

isa, isae: ouch, thought you were a bit more peaceful man

bunnyjo: the world thanks you for giving up on the toe-shooter career

28/7/05 22:57  
Blogger Andy said...

An immigration officer who shoots himself in the foot?

Considering our immigration department's attitude on refugees, and recent local events, that phrase actually appears quite apt...

29/7/05 00:52  
Blogger DCveR said...

andy: the good thing about that guy going to immigration is that we don't have to put up with him anymore, he is not exactly the brightest bulb in the tree...

29/7/05 09:31  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Agree with you, Andy. The more distracting and complicated it gets to work in the immigrationdepartment, the better it gets; it could turn out suddely to be human, as the only ones who will work there are empathic humanbeings...

30/7/05 01:13  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Thought provoking... well that gives me for the very first time one logical reason to believe in God....So what if it is God of destruction lol.... ;)

1/8/05 06:04  

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