Not a big word.
People use it all the time.
Sometimes people get offended when I say I am not their friend. Most people don't have the capacity to distinguish friends from acquaintances.
There are people we know, people we like and care about and then there are friends.
I like a lot of people and really care for them.
I will help them if I can.
I will be glad if they are happy and sad if they aren’t so happy.
Yet, they are not my friends nor am I theirs.
A friend is much more.
I don’t count on those people I like. I know I can count on a friend. A friend knows that he/she can count on me.
A friend is someone that doesn’t need to ask for help if I already know my help is needed.
Did I say it wasn’t a big word?
Well, it may have very few letters, but in its meaning it is the biggest word I know.
In my life I have gathered a lot of friends, real friends, friends that unfortunately have had the chance to prove their friendship to me on a number of times. This is what makes me one of the luckiest guys on earth. They are the best thing I have. Starting with my Good Half and best friend.
To all of my friends: THANK YOU.
Not a big word.
People use it all the time.
Sometimes people get offended when I say I am not their friend. Most people don't have the capacity to distinguish friends from acquaintances.
There are people we know, people we like and care about and then there are friends.
I like a lot of people and really care for them.
I will help them if I can.
I will be glad if they are happy and sad if they aren’t so happy.
Yet, they are not my friends nor am I theirs.
A friend is much more.
I don’t count on those people I like. I know I can count on a friend. A friend knows that he/she can count on me.
A friend is someone that doesn’t need to ask for help if I already know my help is needed.
Did I say it wasn’t a big word?
Well, it may have very few letters, but in its meaning it is the biggest word I know.
In my life I have gathered a lot of friends, real friends, friends that unfortunately have had the chance to prove their friendship to me on a number of times. This is what makes me one of the luckiest guys on earth. They are the best thing I have. Starting with my Good Half and best friend.
To all of my friends: THANK YOU.
Y'know, this has made me think...we don't say thank you enough to our friends.
Also makes me think...cousins can be friends. Sisters can be friends.
Jamaicans have a word for a friend who's like a sister. She is called a 'sistren'. Sister-friend.
They call a guy who's a true friend, a 'bredda'. Brother.
One of the most powerful statements of friendship is being willing to give to your friend what is in short supply, what you can't afford, what you'd rather keep for yourself. I often think of time as one of the most precious gifts we can give our friends. As a matter of fact, time is the most expensive gift we have to offer. Like you said, it is only the people we can count on being there for us who are true friends. The ones who will drop everything to spend time listening, holding our hands or getting us laughing/drunk/laid - whatever our medicine of choice is. Being that kind of friend is the only way to have those kinds of friends, I think.
DC, it is interesting how you come up with these definitions. They are all obvious, of course, but I do not think many of us process them on a conscious level. That is kewl.
Guyana-Gyal, I'm Jamaican and I use those terms occasionally. :)
GG: The irony of life. Using your terms, I have a sistren and a bredda in London. I got the news about the bombs short after this post. Call them both. Only reached him. She called me some minutes ago. They are both safe.
Bunny Jo: Glad to see you are 'talking' again. I knew you would understand me. You are not so unlucky yourself.
Tacit: yep, another small big word
Bent: Obvious for a few. Sadly I might add.
DC, good to hear your friends are okay.
A friend of mine is still trying to reach her daughter.
Thanks for writing this, DC. Very well put. I can count my true friends on one hand. These are the people that I can actually go for months without speaking to, but I know that they won't hold that against me. Whenever we speak, we just pick up where we left off.
I call these my "If I got run over by a truck friends... They would be the ones that would run to my bedside and hold my hand!" And I would do that for them!
This post got me to thinking about a lot of things. Thanks for opening my eyes to some real truths.
Bent: hope her daughter is ok, on 9/11 I've been over 24h without news from Good Half, she was flying from Europe to the US, your friend is going through hell
Last Girl: that is one of the stupid things about friends, sometimes even when we are near each others we don't have time to be together unless something is wrong, when everything is ok we seem to go for months without as much as a word... weird
Icy: Don't thank me ;)
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