Monday, October 09, 2006

Price tags

Whenever I buy something I always must get rid of the price tags before using whatever I bought. This is true especially when it comes to books.
My wife on the other hand doesn’t worry about the tags and the result is rather simple: you can easily know which one of us brought a certain book home.
We both buy plenty of comic strip books and while browsing through GH’s new acquisitions looking for some light reading I realized they weren’t sorted. Now I’m not the kind of person who needs to have everything neat and tidy, but I decided to sort them in order to make it easier for me to pick the ones I hadn’t read yet.
During the sorting process I realized they could be sorted by their price tags: the price increases from one book to the next…
Somewhat this feels like a really bad symptom about our economy, although no real statistical analysis has been conducted to ascertain the relationship between the books’ prices and our financial troubles here in Portugal.


Blogger Shyha said...

Hmmmm... are the prices rise in such a distinctive way there? Hmmm it would be really symptomatic. If not about economy then about trendiness of comic books? ;)

Btw. good luck tomorrow :D

10/10/06 17:43  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Gee, I thought it was just me...I dig off those pasted on tags with my nail as soon as I take them out of the shopping bag...tags from books, plates, cups, mugs, bottles...

Is the economy bleak over there? I hope not.

10/10/06 20:52  
Blogger Shyha said...

We (in Poland) generally remove tags from presents given to others. I don't care about my own stuff unless it's just unusable (it hides something), stupid or just ugly :)

10/10/06 20:56  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: We never give presents with price tags here either. My feeling is that our economy is to blame, the same applies to everything, not just books. As for tomorrow... good luck for you too, although one of us probably won't be too happy after the game! ;)

GG: Bleak would be an optimistic view of it. It seems a bit beyond hopeless.

10/10/06 21:36  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Price tags on books bother me.. Maybe it's because there is some implied value in my mind that it has to live up to... ("This better be worth the $13.99 I paid!") I always remove them too!

11/10/06 09:42  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

No, no Dcver, it can't be all that bad, you're all better off than here.

11/10/06 18:13  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

No, no Dcver, it can't be all that bad, you're all better off than here.

11/10/06 18:13  
Blogger Shyha said...

[off topic about the game]I'm on the happy side this time but believe - I wouldn't give a rat's ass for such a result before the game[end of off topic]

14/10/06 16:30  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: Books and food, two things I hate to see tags on. They are basic needs to me, so I don't want to be reminded of their price... maybe I'm just nuts. ;)

GG: Maybe so. Although the idea doesn't make me much happier. they say misery loves company, but...

shyha: Our team sucked! Poland really deserved to win. Not that it bothers me much, I didn't even watch the whole game.

21/10/06 15:08  

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