Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hell bound train

Standing on a crowded railway car, heading to Lisbon for another day’s work.
Suddenly I realize there is a preacher in the car, a damned Jehovah Witness, preaching to the trapped listeners.
I wouldn’t care for his preaching if it weren’t for the fact that I had forgotten my mp3 player at home! 22 minutes of a train ride never seemed longer!
After the first few minutes I was starting to feel like throwing that prick preacher out of the train…
Then the preacher starts walking and addressing the passengers one by one… eventually he reached me.
Realizing he was getting no reply that little piece of a no-brainer decides to grab my arm and shake me! At least he tried to shake me, until I got my arm loose and slowly squeezed his arm without uttering a single word.
When I let go of his arm he started saying I was surely an evil creature!
He even shouted it!
Then he went forward trying to convert the rest of the passengers.
Ok, maybe I am going to hell, but I’ll make sure not to forget my mp3 player again!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Please don't think this nut represents all Christians.

I'm sorry this happened to you, DCver. It's an utter disgrace. Next time try telling him its your birthday and invite him to the party. He'll move on.

5/10/06 00:34  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

E-vil. Yo are surely an evil creature, yo and your damned camera and penchant for idyllic scenes.

I am reporting you immediately to the Vatican, The Kremlin, The CIA.

You shall be despatched in an Old Testament sort of way.

5/10/06 00:46  
Blogger portuguesa nova said...

I thought the train Chistian fundamentalists were an American thing only!

The only time I ever, ever, ever got stuck on a car with these freaks was when I'd forgotten my iPod.

5/10/06 03:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh no, what a way to start your morning! and i hate it when they have to be so-in-your-face type of people. i have had a Jehovah Witness lady knocking at the door and asked where i was from since my accent was not local. i should have never told her i was portuguese. She is married to a Brazilian and so she would come back again and again with brochure, magazines etc... and eventually with her husband. An utter nightmare.
Glad that you got your point across to him! :) Efficient for sure!

5/10/06 09:21  
Blogger Cream said...

I have the ideal answer!
"I am a Muslim!"
They move on immediately!

5/10/06 12:35  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Hahaha, I mean, I'm laughing at Cream's comment HAHAHAHA.

Here, we tend to give and take, collect their literature and move on. Nobody forces anyone here.

5/10/06 19:36  
Blogger Unknown said...

i absolutely hate that! we have the same stuff on the train--

these ppl are crazy-

6/10/06 17:57  
Blogger Christine said...

Oh Cream, I am laughing!

It amazes me, Dcver, how forward some people can be. It's one thing to be on the street, you can simply keep on walking, but on the train, ouch!!

Evil Creature-teehee

7/10/06 20:13  
Blogger WrathofDawn said...

You should have accused him of being possessed and tried to cast out his demons.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

9/10/06 04:00  
Blogger DCveR said...

chill daddy: I know that. But you must admit that whatever the religion, preaching amidst trapped commuters is evil! It's something nobody should ever do! A bit like farting in an elevator!!!

phoenix: Guess my doom is sealed... that means I should just as well enjoy my life while it lasts instead of waiting for a better afterlife! ;)

portuguesa nova: This was the first time I've come across such preachers.

nyasha: At least when they knock at our door it is easy to keep them at bay.
Usually I just tell them I'm not interested and don't even allow them in.

cream: They won't! At least not here. Whenerver someone tells a Jehovah Witness, here in Portugal, that the person has a different belief the Witness takes it as an invitation for a conversion... I've watched it time and again.

GG: I wouldn't mind that! Really, really.

ale: May you never forget your headphones either!!! :)

christine: Now that you mention it, even on the street they follow you for quite a while around these parts.

the wrath of dawn: Or maybe I could act possessed myself... that could be fun too.

9/10/06 21:25  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

I had a Mormon friend who told me these characters hate Mormons over most all the other heathens, and that the next time it happens to me tell them I am Mormon--guaranteed to make him shut up!!

Still, he shouldn't have assaulted you. If that had happened in the U.S., you could have him arrested. Not cool.

11/10/06 09:46  
Blogger Caribbean Colors Belize said...

Here in Belize they call them Jehovah's Wickedness

14/10/06 23:58  
Blogger DCveR said...

kris: Guess we, as a latin people, are usually a bit more tolerant with physical contact... but even so, shaking me would be the wrong path. ;)

caribbean colors: Loved that one! It seems they are unpopular everywhere, heh?

21/10/06 15:04  
Blogger Lisa said...

We had a another religions door-to-door recruiter come by our apartment years ago....My boyfriend said we are devil-worshipers and slammed the door in his face.
This same ex of mine (who was and still is an asshole) honked at a car that had one of those "Honk if you love Jesus" and when the happy driver went to acknowledge the honk, my ex was flipping him off!

1/11/06 21:05  

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