Saturday, August 05, 2006

High School Reunion

Actually I should say high school class reunion.
Our class has been a memorable one in our high school: best marks in years, several sports records (none of them mine), most stubborn pupils.
One of the fondest memories I’ve got of that class was the fact we would all stick together when facing “outsiders”. Our teachers soon found out there was not a single snitch in our class. This was cause of much worry for those teachers, for we were all very keen on pulling pranks on other pupils, teachers and auxiliary staff. And there was never a single culprit to be punished… too smart to be caught most of the times, too pigheaded to point out the guilty ones. You could say we were all accomplices. Given the fact we were all good pupils with great marks they wouldn’t punish the whole class very often, although a few times we have all been punished alike. Most of the time we’d simply go unpunished.
In the later years of high school we started inviting our favorite teachers to our parties and this lasted through our first college year, but by then we were in different universities and soon our meetings ceased.
A few years ago one of my best friends, now living in London, decided to gather our class when she was spending some time back in Portugal. A few years later she did it again. Today we met for the third time… next time we hope to invite a few of our old teachers too.
I must admit I never felt the urge to organize one such meeting. Most of us keep in touch, some of us meet now and then. We all get news from the others even when we are not together. But it is great fun when M. sends out the word for another reunion.


Blogger Christine said...

Glad you had a good time. I keep in touch with a few friends from HS. The girls all get together for dinner once a year or so. I'd love to have a reunion with everyone.

6/8/06 02:01  
Blogger Unknown said...

i went to my father's THIRTY year highschool reunion and got to meet all his friends from the crazy stories he would tell. it was great fun! very fun to see "mature" people acting like highschoolers!! keep these up - hope M doesnt stop organizing.

6/8/06 16:31  
Blogger cristina said...

lucky you. my high school class got together last summer in Las Vegas but i could not attend (better-half and i were from the same class!)
maybe one day i will also get lucky! ;)

6/8/06 17:28  
Blogger Hughes Views said...

Sorry to say that I left school a few years before Ale's father! You guys are lucky, you belong to the e-mail generation that can easily keep ties right around the world. Last year, thanks to the wonders of the internet, I had dinner in London with three former school friends two of whom I hadn't seen for more than a quarter of a century. Keep in touch with your friends; they're what make our wonderful world worth spinning......

6/8/06 22:27  
Blogger Hughes Views said...

whoops - missed out 'keep' between the last two words in my, perhaps a tad too sentimental, last comment....

6/8/06 22:30  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I surprised myself by enjoying my reunion and have rediscovered my bonds from long ago. Enjoy!

7/8/06 15:01  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

This makes me want to pick up the phone and call an old class mate and chat and make plans! Most folks from my class / high school during my time are all living abroad now though.

7/8/06 19:59  
Blogger DCveR said...

christine: It was actually nicer than I thought it would be. There's a smaller group of us who have always kept in touch, but it really is great fun meeting those we don't usually see anymore.

ale: Funny you should say that... someone mentioned that our behaviour was regressing during lunch.

nyasha: Vegas? Did you go to high school in the states or here in Portugal?

hughes: Yup, the internet has helped a lot, some people in our class now live abroad and some although still living in Portugal are now in different cities.

NML: I did. Thanks. :)

GG: Go ahead. Pick up the phone and make the call! :)

7/8/06 22:33  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

My HS class was awesome. I wish someone would take on the challenge and organize a reunion.

Glad yours was good.

10/8/06 05:01  

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