Quinta da Fidalga
The city council of Seixal has been rehabilitating an old palace and its gardens for use as recreation area and to host cultural events, you can take a peek at the gardens by clicking this photo, as for the palace... I wasn't allowed in. Guess I'll have to wait for a cultural event to be held in there to visit it.
Tomorrow is "back to work day"...
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Tomorrow is "back to work day"...
Tags:Portugal   photo
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enjoy your last day of vacation!!! uma bica à beira mar.... um gelado na baixa.... ah the life! :)
Had a great tour of Quita da Fidalga! Love the mosaics. Obrigado!
Thanks for the tour. So much detail put into everything. I love visiting places like this, there's always something to catch my eye at every moment.
Totally loving your pics. And a belated parabems on being the husband of a doctor!
(I don't know why but your pictures show up on my laptop, but not on my desktop)
nyasha: Thanks. Actually it was the whole afternoon at the beach.
cream: Nothing to thank me for. I wish I could have taken a few shots inside the palace though.
christine: The original place was beautiful but it has been neglected for many years, they are doing a nice work restoring it though.
portuguesa nova: Thanks. That's kind of weird. Are you using that Internet Explorer thingy? Probably you have to go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, then scroll down to Multimedia and mark the checkbox "show pictures"... If that is the case you may also want to consider using Firefox instead of IE.
How lucky you are to live in such a stunningly beautiful country. Shame about the insects tho.
dan: Yes, I am lucky. But this blog thingy of mine can be a little misleading, after all I try to focus on the best things about Portugal. You don’t usually see me posting pics of the ugly aspects of this country… plus lately I’m trying to refrain from talking national politics here, otherwise you would probably say this country is just rotten.
Sigh. Everywhere in other countries look so beautiful. It's gorgeous there, Dcver.
I try to find beauty everyday here but it's not easy.
GG: Strange. There is this blog from guyana where I always find beautiful stories... oh, wait, it's your blog! ;)
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