Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back to the rat race

Getting back to work after a month long vacation is always a shock.
No matter how much you like your job you always feel you could use some extra time off.
Things get even worst when only one other person can actually do your job while you're away. As usual my favorite co-worker managed to do all her stuff and most of mine, same as I do when she is away. Nevertheless plenty of things piled over my desk during the last month.
Also some equipment failed while I was away and everybody thought it would be wise to wait for me before calling for outside assistance, either makes one feel needed or feel like the village idiot ( you don’t really have to pick one). This meant a day meddling with the toys (fixing lab equipment is a lot more fun than browsing through papers).
Now everything that could be fixed is up and running again and the rest of the week will be spent getting urgent stuff done and sorting out a pile of unread crap papers.


Blogger Annie said...

Aw, never mind. (I've got 6 weeks - it is going to be very tough in September...)

Just saw your counter for GH - sweet!

1/8/06 22:18  
Blogger Unknown said...

yep like hitting a wall full speed in a red ferrari-

i feel like that not just after a vacation but each monday! oiiii oii

2/8/06 02:54  
Blogger Shyha said...

Yup, it's awful. I hate it :) I need permanent holidays :D

2/8/06 07:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so the rest of the week is just pure sailing - right? *wink*
on the bright side, GH will soon be home!!! :)
like shyha, i would not mind permanent vacation!

2/8/06 09:09  
Blogger Unknown said...

Funny how papers need to be read simply because they exist. I've always been a little perturbed at our modern tendacy to deny the reality of something that doesn't have legal documentation. If there's no paper - it's not real.

Just a philosphical bug to add to the irritation of getting back to work.

2/8/06 11:45  
Blogger Hughes Views said...

I worked briefly once with someone who seriously suggested that holidays should be banned. He hated his job and coming back from work just made it feel worse. Poor man, he really should have found another career but he was well paid, had a big mortgage etc and so was too scared to change. What a waste of a life; don’t ever get caught in such a trap.....

2/8/06 21:53  
Blogger DCveR said...

annie: Enjoy your Summer break, you can worry about how tough it is when September comes!

ale: Don't get me started on Mondays!

shyha: Run for office, if you give permanent holidays for everybody I'll vote for you!

nyasha: Sailing is a way of putting it. Scary when I start thinking to myself some very urgent problem better come up to take me away from paperwork.

chill daddy: And yet paperwork is also a safety measure in lab work, the bureaucratic process covers your back when you need to prove your work was done properly.

hughes: Don't worry, I love my work. And yet some of things that go with job are just damned boring...

2/8/06 22:22  
Blogger Caribbean Colors Belize said...

I admire Europeans who see the necessity of taking a decent length holiday, not like the Americans who think 1 week should be enough to maintain sanity for the next 12 months.

2/8/06 23:28  
Blogger Cream said...

One month's holiday! Could've left a bit for when GH comes home! Or is another holiday lined up for 10 days' time?

Well, DC, think yourself lucky because they wouldn't dare sack you! You are too valuable!

3/8/06 10:22  
Blogger DCveR said...

caribbean: One week off per year and most people go insane. Maybe that's why therapists have so many patients in the US.

cream: GH was supposed to have finished her degree earlier but several unexpected events caused a huge delay. By the time we knew when she would be coming back it was too late to change my holidays... but we've got some plans for the New Year celebration. And of course they won't sack me, they can work me to death instead!!! Maybe not to death, but at least to the edge of insanity. ;)

3/8/06 22:21  
Blogger NML/Natalie said...

I would *love* a month long vacation! Glad you're back to work ;-)

4/8/06 16:45  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Go on, D, admit it, you looove your work!

5/8/06 13:36  
Blogger DCveR said...

nml: I'm not all that glad, but thanks just the same. ;)

GG: Of course I do!

5/8/06 18:54  

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