Thursday, March 09, 2006

Talking about Doom's day...

Did you read "The Bible Code"?
If you did, do you remember when was the nuclear holocaust predicted?
Yes! This is the year! 2006! Talk about calling a bluff... I wonder how the author will sound in 2007?!
After Brendan McKay having answered Drosnin's famous rept "When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them" by finding several such predictions in Moby Dick PLUS several rabbis in War and Peace, after even the mathematicians who Drosnin used as source having pulled the rug under his predictions, what credibility will this guy have next year?(link)
And let us all face it, the man is in a loose-loose situation: if he is proven wrong we skeptics will have a great laugh on him, if he was right the world as we know it will end. Well, there is always the profit he made with his books, but if he happens to be right there will be nowhere to spend it either.


Blogger NML/Natalie said...

Well he's made all of his money now. He doesn't have to come up with another hotch potch theory ever again if he doesn't want to.

10/3/06 13:30  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mark your calenders with every day that somebody's predicted the world would end - those are the days you can rest easy because the world's guarenteed not to end on those days.

"Nobody knows the day or the hour" to quote the Bible.

11/3/06 15:03  
Blogger Cream said...

I'm back!
I watched a programme on the BBC about the Bible Code. Anybody can prove anything with the right formula! Very dodgy indeed! Reminds me of Von Danniken's UFO theories...

12/3/06 10:13  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Which reminds me of my cousin-in-law pronouncing in his best doom's day, negative tone, "I think the end of the world is coming soon."


13/3/06 07:15  
Blogger DCveR said...

nml: A bit like the guy who paints only one masterpiece and quits?

chill dad: If one can't do anything to prevent something, what good is there in predicting it anyway?

cream: Welcome back! Numbers will always confess if you torture them enough, that is the basis of all statistics I guess.

GG: Well, maybe the world as we know it. Don't forget roaches, they can withstand radiation. Hehehehe

TGOV: It's all a time scale question.

13/3/06 16:41  
Blogger Maria do Rosário Sousa Fardilha said...

olha, eu fui uma das que leu e devorou o livro, é bem convincente :)
e depois, foi agradável ouvir a opinião do matemático que descobriu o código Moby Dick, uff qu'alivio!
mas enfim, já só faltam uns meses para os sobreviventes do holocausto (cruzes credo) perceberem quem tem razão :))

13/3/06 19:24  
Blogger DCveR said...

mrf: Eu também o li, aliás qualquer livro sobre códigos ou criptografia que apanho é devorado. Mas duvidando, sempre duvidando. Se não fosse pela dúvida ainda estávamos a estudar Aristóteles e a dizer como ele que os pássaros são mais leves que o ar.

13/3/06 21:08  
Blogger ancient clown said...

I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on my piece entitled CAIN & ABEL.
Or any of the other posts for that matter.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

26/3/06 11:09  

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