Sunday, March 26, 2006

Back from the dead

It's fixed.
No major damage in fact, just the power supply unit.
Had things been a little easier these last few days I could have fixed it before, but family and work issues kept getting in the way.
What is it you people always say about only childs?
True enough we get all the prezzies when we are kids, true enough we are the center of attention when we are kids. But when parents get older and need assistance there is no one else to share the burden. When there are other relatives who also need assistance and don't have kids... Well, I guess you get the picture.
Not that I am complaining about their needs, I do it gladly, it just gets very time consuming sometimes.
Well, let me run a few tests more on this machine and then I can start catching up on your writings.


Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Grats with your machine up and running:)
I'm so happy I have 6brothers and a sister, and they all live in different parts off norway, so the caretaking burden is pretty low. The bad thing about this is that I don't see relatives as often as I should, but then again it's almost always on cozy visits.

26/3/06 21:35  
Blogger Annie said...

And lo, Dcver has risen again!

Reading your post makes me thankful my sister's the oldest...

26/3/06 21:52  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: If you ask me one should always live at least a couple of kms away from the parents house and at least one 1km away from the nearest relative, in order to get some peace that is...

annie: So the oldest one gets stuck with taking care of the elders? ;)

26/3/06 23:11  
Blogger Cream said...

Glad I have 3 sisters to look after Papa.
Great to have you back!

26/3/06 23:14  
Blogger Dan Flynn said...


Once your parents become a burden have them put away. It's for the best tell em. Oh yes and don't forget to ask for their pin numbers before they go. If they complain remind them that they have a responsibility toward you as their son and not the other way round. I regularly tell my mother that I did not ask to be born and therefore she is the responsible one in this relationship. Some might think it harsh to be holding down two jobs at 76, but at least we save on heating whilst she is out. Harsh I know but fair.

26/3/06 23:32  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Ahhh, Lazarus.

It's good to have you back, D, PHEWWWWWWW.

I know what you mean about the only child business, my bf is the only son...child. moan, groan.

26/3/06 23:45  
Blogger Unknown said...

glad you fixed everyone- another cool thing about only children is that they have this 'can do' attitude, - well cus no bigger brother or sister to fix stuff for you

27/3/06 03:07  
Blogger Hayden said...

glad to see you back.

27/3/06 05:30  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

I feel lucky that my litter sister has always gotten along well with my mom, she's single with no kids and naturally has that lady-in-waiting disposition. If caretaking were left to me, both my mother and I would be miserable. However, it does bring to mind something from my childhood: I remember having a moment of clarity, knowing that one day my mother would die. In my little child-mind, I decided that even if she would die, I would prop her body up in the chair and put food in her mouth and move her chin so she could still be "alive." I was a sick child.

27/3/06 16:16  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: Thanks. Lucky you... I wish I had the same luck.

dan: The truth is I will only send them to a retirement home or something of the kind if they start needing 24/7 nursing.

GG: Not all of us are completely spoiled, heh?

ale: What else can a guy do?

hayden: Thanks, it's good to be back.

bunny jo: You're weird! :D

27/3/06 19:52  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

All part of the charm that is

Or, at least that is what I tell my shrink. ;)

27/3/06 22:09  
Blogger DCveR said...

TGOV: Thank you. From relatives and friends I've been noticing that the family care taking very seldom is shared, it usually falls down on the back of only one person, even when there are several bros and sis.

28/3/06 19:14  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Maybe you need a Tripp Lite...back up surge unit. They are a necessity in Hawaii, where computers are always guaranteed to blow when plugged directly into the wall.

We all must face taking care of our folks... I don't believe it will necessarily be easier to do with three siblings rather than with one. (Slightly confused...are you speaking of taking care of your dad or of someone else's folks?)

3/4/06 20:49  

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