Sunday, October 23, 2005

Movie Suggestion #2

I've just seen "Nothing", by Vincenzo Natali.
Truly the most surrealist movie I've seen in a long time.
Imagine two guys, friends. Two complete loosers by any standards.
Imagine a house, don't try too hard because you can hardly imagine their house.
Now imagine nothing. That's where they will end: in the middle of nothing.
A low budget comedy that will keep you laughing even after the movie is over.


Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Sounds great! The best, and probably most surrealistic movie Ive ever seen must be "news from god", A french movie I once won tickets to; its the best film ever...

23/10/05 02:35  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

who will be translating from the Portuguese? Dc? :)

23/10/05 08:30  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae:Is this the one? I've never seen it, I'll try and get it from the video club.

isis: This is not quite the same. I would dare say this is the ONLY movie on nothing, well, except maybe for the grade A idiot director who made a black movie (90 minutes of blank screen) and got a huge amount of money as subsidy.

kris: LOL You surely didn't check the link. Although the director's name is Italian the movie is Canadian and the language is English. Are you sure you want me to translate it? :)

23/10/05 11:21  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

No, it is not that one, argh! I saw it on the cinema in oslo with a friend in 97 I guess. Havent been able to track down what the original title is... There where four people in the theatre and us, but I never been so entertained. The plot is this author who kills himself after writeing a book about god being an author and that the entire world is just characters in this guys book, wich makes our 4 heroes a bit upset, so they try to track this god-guy down to get at least some answers, and perhaps a little bit revenge...

23/10/05 11:47  
Blogger Cream said...

Nothing to say about Nothing!
Haven't seen yet but will definitely look out for it!
I haven't seen a single memorable film for a long time now!
All seem to be after making money, forget about the 7th Art!

23/10/05 13:20  
Blogger DCveR said...

isa, isae: argh? That bad? Huuummm...oh well, if you can come up with the title for the other one I'll thank you.

cream: This is being quite a nice year movie wise. I've seen Maria full of grace (I've posted about it, great) and I've seen Frida in video (GG told me about that one) and now this. And Madagascar, that one was great too. All other movies were ok at the best.

23/10/05 15:24  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I will add this to my list. I need to start a movie diary and a book diary. Movies to watch and books to read.

There's a play, Waiting for Godot where absolutely nothing happens.

23/10/05 17:50  
Blogger DCveR said...

tacit: Yup, one muffin tin for armour.

GG: I've seen Beckett's play here. Not really one of my favorites I must confess.

23/10/05 20:28  
Blogger Cream said...

Madagascar was great!
Ali G in the role of the King! Wow!

24/10/05 08:59  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I only read Waiting for Godot, and it seemed clever in the reading. Maybe it didn't translate well on stage?

24/10/05 13:12  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: I guess it might have been just the wrong theater company, the actors were awful, the set was worst, everything about it was wrong. I've got to try and read the play.

24/10/05 16:25  

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