Monday, October 24, 2005


I live in the suburbs of Lisbon.
I usually take the train to go to work instead of driving. At first I used to drive to the train station, about two kilometers.
Some time ago I started to walk to the station. A little short of one kilometer always downhill, shorter distance because walking I can take a shortcut.
The problem would be coming back from the station, same distance but uphill, right?
It would seem so. However I usually take 15 to 20 minutes walking TO the station and 5 to 7 minutes walking FROM the station.
I could say when I walk downhill I’ve only had my first espresso.
I could say a thousand things.
The real reason must be motivation.


Blogger Cream said...

That's like schoolchildren dragging their feet on the way to school and flying home for their favourite Children's TV programme.
So, what's your motivation, DC? What can't you wait to get home for?

24/10/05 09:09  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

Or, it reminds me of a rental horse. He's sluggish on the way out, but flies when he knows he's going back to the barn!

24/10/05 09:47  
Blogger Unknown said...

How long does it take you on Friday afternoons?

Assuming the Portugese weekend starts on a Friday and not, say, Tuesday or something.

24/10/05 10:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

cream: When I get out of my home I never know if my day will be some eight hours long or if I'll be spending two or three days without coming back home, when I get back home I just want to get to a quiet place and rest.

kris: That really does not sound nice... but it sounds funny.

chill daddy: Portuguese weekends start on Friday afternoon. However some of us sometimes work through the weekends.

24/10/05 11:11  
Blogger Ariadne said...

Motivation: that's the key word which makes magick happen...

I'm glad that you have such good reasons to hurry back home :)


24/10/05 12:19  
Blogger DCveR said...

chill daddy: I ended up not answering you, sorry. It makes no big difference whether it is a Friday or any other day.

ariadne: Home should always be a nice place to go back to.

24/10/05 12:24  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

This reminds me of a friend telling me: he used to drop his little son and another little boy to school. On time, before the school bell rang.

There's a short path with trees, from the gate to school, the boys were dropped off at the gate everyday.

One day, the 2 boys' parents got a phone call...the 2 little boys were late for school, arriving near lunch time.

What had the boys done all morning?


24/10/05 13:31  
Blogger DCveR said...

GG: That wouldn't be such a bad idea... of course there would be some consequences if I were to spend the whole morning playing instead of getting to work. ;)

24/10/05 16:30  
Blogger Ariadne said...

It should... but you know, sometimes it's not the case.


24/10/05 17:14  
Blogger Unknown said...

maybe you see uphill walk as a challenge and "mentally" prepair yourself accordingly, and walk faster... etc... so you end up covering the distance faster. heck you probably run up that hill.

so the motivation in this case would be: overcoming your "callenge"

24/10/05 18:28  
Blogger DCveR said...

ariadne: Guess I sometimes forget I am luckier than many.

ale: That is not completely false too, although I don't run. Every time we get to a uphill walk GH tells me I start increasing my pace.

tall glass: So I am not the only one that walks faster uphill!!!
And you are absolutely right about by preferences, although the difference in speed occurs also when she is not around.

24/10/05 20:26  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Two klick sin 5-76 minutes, uhh, its called running.

24/10/05 21:38  
Blogger DCveR said...

phoenix: Nope, less than 1 klick. 2 klicks is the driving distance, walking I simply go through the woods instead of going around it.

24/10/05 21:49  
Blogger Natsthename said...

" I could say when I walk downhill I’ve only had my first espresso."

Yes, uphill would require at least 2 for me!

24/10/05 21:52  
Blogger Im so angry, Im so at ease said...

Dont really wanna comment on this one; but it seems I will.. When I went to college it took longer time to reach the bus tha to ski through the woods(I lived at the highest point on the island) so it made me really sporty(though I hated sports)... I took my skis and just went downhill, voila in the schoolyard in five mins instead of like fourty mins with the bus... Had a really nice time in the woods every morning though...

24/10/05 23:14  
Blogger Unknown said...

skiing to school - now that's a concept- i imagine if one day hudson river freezes over (hey, nothing is impossible these days) i'll be able to ice skate to work!

25/10/05 04:01  

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