Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Hot Women

Bent's weekly Hot Chicks post got me started on this one...

What makes a woman attractive?
Beauty is the word forming in most readers minds, I guess.
But beauty is so subjective.
Some people focus on body parts, like breasts, legs, hands, butts, faces, whatever…
I’ve always stated that as far as I am concerned it’s the ‘whole set’ that either feels harmonious or not.
Some time ago I was reading a book on Hawaiian tradition (can’t seem to find that passage now, its from one of the books I bought in the Bishop Museum) and came across a reference on the greeting to pregnant women, it was something along the lines of: may the Gods grant you harmony of shapes.
That is it! Harmony of shapes, that is what I look for in a woman’s body, each body part in size harmony with all the rest.
And yet that is far from enough. For someone to be attractive lots of things are still missing.
Graceful movements, tasteful dressing (not necessarily fancy or expensive, just… tasteful), intelligence, wit, empathy, and a few more things.

In two words: Good Half. But that is not my point here, so on with my post.

One of the things that puzzled me for some time is compatibility. Having the same tastes in everything would be boring. Being absolute opposites wouldn’t work either.
Somewhere in between there is a range of compatible beings. Those beings attract us the most. The puzzling part is even without speaking we are ‘drawn’ to compatible partners. Just the same way we feel strange with non-compatible persons even though they may seem attractive if seen on a photo for instance.

All this said and after giving a lot of thought to this matter I’ve reached my conclusion on why some women are more attractive to me than others and why that fact is not always obvious to everybody:
Because they have IT.

IT of course is the sum of all the previously mentioned factors and can be measured by the blissful smile that forms in my face when thinking about those women, this is probably why I can’t really bluff my way around one of those special beings.

Simple, isn’t it?


Blogger Misty said...

so true. For me it's all personality. Someone can be beautiful when I first meet them and get uglier the more I talk to them, and vice versa.

24/8/05 15:12  
Blogger Unknown said...

uuuff that was real good- as much as i'd like to find something to disagree with- (cus i like to start trouble) - i think the same way- in brazil i guess they call it "tchun" you either have it or not- and this "tchun" can mean many different things to different people-
but i like the whole harmony or all parts included... they also must be comfortable in their own skin-

24/8/05 15:48  
Blogger Mike said...

That compatibility thing? Right on!

When I met my fiancee, we only had a couple hours together before I was on the plane back home. It was in the months of internet chatting that followed where we realized just how compatible we were. Still, something drew us to each other...

24/8/05 16:55  
Blogger Unknown said...

so Viking, she's got the "tchun" ehehehe

24/8/05 17:19  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

That compatibility's all the pieces of the jigsaw suddenly fitting together, and the whole picture is there.

It's being with your best friend, plus!

24/8/05 19:18  
Blogger bunnyjo georg said...

I think about it this way. All of the things DCvR mentioned must be present, but...reality is no one in this world comes without hang ups, baggage or eccentricities. The trick is to find someone you are attracted to who you also have a tolerance for their hang ups, baggage and eccentricities. Seems a recipe for success if you ask me.

24/8/05 22:16  
Blogger DCveR said...

misty: Personality is one big factor, but still just one factor for me, essencial but not enough

ale: AHA! You Confess! You wanted to disagree! Gotchya! Oh, and if they don't feel confortable they will never be graceful...

penny: Like me, if you see a nice photo and you look for the human being behind to see what's in...

viking: what's the point of having someone that won't be by our side doing the things we love because that someone loves other things completely different. what I can't quite figure is how instinct seems to sort that out in a split second (and i does, doesn't it?)

GG: guess who my best friend is! ;)

bunny: ok, ok, economics has something to do with it to, nobody is perfect and the issue is to put up with the other's idiosyncracies because the qualities are worth it. but although you are right on that, it just comes natural, it's not something you can do math on, it happens and that is it.

25/8/05 00:50  
Blogger Mike said...

Oh it does...

And my good half pointed out a line in my favorite novel a long time ago that explained it:

"Há instintos para todos os encontros da vida." -Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

She's brasilian, so she had the portuguese version of the book, but I guess I don't need to translate for you :)

25/8/05 04:55  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Interesting question. As far as most celebrities go, it's all about the eye candy because I don't "know" them.

You're right, DC. There has to be an IT. That's why I believe in love at first sight. Sometimes you see someone and you're instantaneously attracted to their aura, their presence, whatever you want to name that IT-ness.

Personality is a huge factor as is eloquence. I'm drawn to people who express themselves well regardless of whether I agree with the thoughts/opinions they're expressing. Humor is a biggie. Someone who can laugh at themselves. I wouldn't want to be with someone who is just like me. For that I may as well date myself. All our conversations would end with, "Yeah, me too!" Boooring!

And I'm with Misty. Physical beauty helps but it isn't everything. As I mentioned in a post recently, I met someone who I thought was drop-dead gorgeous...until she opened her mouth.

I'm not a succint writer so it would take me all night to sum up all the elements I consider beautiful. *lol*

25/8/05 05:12  
Blogger DCveR said...

viking: You're right, you needn't. LOL

bent: "take me all night" LOL And I thought I was picky and demanding... Just kidding.
I wouldn't know what to name that IT because it is so many things put together.

tall glass: in a way they all have something in common, right?

25/8/05 08:49  

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