Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Movie Suggestion

Maria Full of Grace
Simply the best movie I’ve seen this year.
Maria is a poor Colombian working girl. A normal human being. Someone that only whishes to be treated with respect. Someone that wants to keep her human dignity.
After loosing her job, Maria is lured into becoming a mule, a drug courier.
This film depicts one of the hardest realities of our time.
It is amazingly close to reality. Maria’s story is the story of many people, in a way. A story of someone fighting for a better life and trapped with promises of an easy path. That path, in the end, leads to a struggle for survival.
Not a blockbuster, it’s true. But really a great movie.


Blogger Shyha said...

Seems interesting to me.

I've seen the talk-show which theme was about 'one second/decision to completely change life' - in the negative meaning. There was a story about polish woman which were involved in drug smuggling and spent 3 years in Peruvian jail. Her husband's brother, who was also involved in this case, died there. While she was there her husband did the same and is jailed in Brazil. There's a lot polish people there so I think it's very true story and it is a problem...

19/7/05 09:49  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Yes, I read about this movie in our newspapers, and would love to see it.

There are many, many, many Marias in my country.

I am in the middle of thinking of joining this organisation called Help and Shelter which helps women. I would like to be able to give women a chance to NOT be mules.

19/7/05 12:54  
Blogger Natsthename said...

I have not seen this, but I will seek it out after reading your review! Thanks.

19/7/05 12:56  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

I will try to watch it, not sure if it is available here in India or not. The last great movie I had watched was "Black", an Indian movie.

19/7/05 15:00  
Blogger DCveR said...

shyha: happens to people everywhere, not trying to excuse them here, they are criminals and must be punished, but the bigger criminals are the ones that lure them

GG: sounds like a great organisation, we have similar ones here mostly to help single mothers

natalie: no need to thank

anoop: never heard about it, do you think I can rent it here in Europe?

tacit: I'm not going to fake the intelectual that doesn't watch holywood movies, actually I end up seeing most of them

19/7/05 19:41  
Blogger Shyha said...

yep - they all are but the jails in that part of world are one of the thoughest to survive

19/7/05 20:45  
Blogger Unknown said...

yep this movie was big here in NY-
GG- I support your idea for volunteering- I myself am trying to get involved with a children's organization that I could volunteer with.

19/7/05 23:00  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

I've heard of it but had little interest until now. If I'm not mistaken, it was nominated for an Academy Award.

20/7/05 02:34  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Tacit, you will be surprised by Black. I was. I am not a big fan of Indian movies myself. Well for that matter even Hollywood movies. I love the French and the Italian movies, if I have to indeed generalize. But Black is not your normal Indian movie fare. No songs and no dance. A story of a teacher who teaches a dumb/deaf and a blind little girl and then later he gets affected by Alzheimers and the grown up girl becomes his teacher. It starts like "The miracle worker" (and that is the inspiration really) but it goes pretty far.

Dcver, I know for a fact that it is available in Europe and definitely in the Netherlands... not very sure if it is available in Portugal.

20/7/05 03:50  
Blogger DCveR said...

bent: yup, nominated for best actress

20/7/05 06:51  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Just saw a movie that I must add to my list of favourites: Frida. About Frida Khalo, the Mexican artist.

By the way Dcver, I am still fascinated by fado music.

21/7/05 03:32  
Blogger KrisinHawaii said...

It's on my list to see. The Indie movies are sometimes the most surprising experiences. "Whale Rider" comes to mind... surely that has to be on your list of favorites too, dcver?? That was the last time I really cried buckets in a public theatre.

25/7/05 20:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

Never even heard about Whale Rider until now. I've just checked the movie web site. I'll try and find it.

25/7/05 22:57  

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