Thursday, July 14, 2005

Face Value and Pay-per-Post Blog

There is some danger in taking any post in any blog at face value, or any blogger for that matter.
In this here blog-thingy I am writing, for instance: some posts are dead serious, some posts are almost delusional, most of the posts lay somewhere in between.
Some people can’t tell which is which.
Some people read something here and resent it, some people read something here and go on a war-path, some people just don’t care.
And then there are the others, the ones that can read and see the difference. And if any of the others has something to say against what I wrote, well… I can take criticism. From those people I mean! Criticism from brainless idiots will be ignored.
Someone e-mailed me complaining about mixing serious posts with humor posts.
Well, we shall do it this way: if any of you is willing to pay, thus becoming my client, I will create a new blog with the stuff the client demands (of course I will establish the price, not the client) otherwise I will post whatever I want to whenever I want to.
As you all witnessed I made the first step into Pay-per-Post Blogging.


Blogger F-ftOS said...

hahahahaa not a bad idea at all... if ever it becomes a success, I am willing to be the operations head for India of your esteemed company ;)

14/7/05 09:36  
Blogger neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

And I, the wicked Guyanese insist on getting this blog FREE!

Sigh. I'm just so weeeaaary of people quarelling, disagreeing, please tell that person who emailed you to cool down, learn to be happy. Or something.

14/7/05 12:42  
Blogger Unknown said...

ohhh this is goooood!!!!
u know what they say every joke has a bit of truth in it... and at the same time serious things should not be taken too seriously or one can get acid reflex desease.

and plus- discussing ugly people is not funny- its serious :)

14/7/05 14:43  
Blogger DCveR said...

anoop: you can even be the president of the all company, getting rich is not my aim here... well, unless it is filthy rich, then I would reconsider

GG: don't worry, this blog will always be free, the clients will have diferent blogs according to their whishes and my prices

dark horse: dunno, really. depends on the clients wishes

ale: that was the HUMOUR post I was criticized about...

tacit: so would I ;)

14/7/05 18:53  
Blogger F-ftOS said...

Oh I was talking about a Maybach, swiss accounts, a private jet etc...

14/7/05 21:13  
Blogger Unknown said...

i know dc- i'm saying you should have told them that it WAS serious :) imagine hehe-

14/7/05 21:21  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

If I had a say I would prefer the humor, although I don't mind an amalgam of serious and humorous.

I will be the first to admit there a few times when I cannot figure out if you are being funny. The fact that you have an intelligent (for lack of a better word) sense of humor may have something to do with it. With me you're talking about someone who laughs her ass off at scatological humor and other ridiculously silly things.

But hey, it's not my blog and I'm more than happy to read what you post or I would not be here reading it.

14/7/05 21:26  
Blogger DCveR said...

anoop: maybe... but not sure yet

ale: creature would go craaaaazzzyyyyy, lol

bent: from your replies so far I’d say you’re not mistaken in your judgment…

14/7/05 23:25  
Blogger DCveR said...

oh, and bent: this is no test

14/7/05 23:26  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

Whew! Thank goodness, I am not a good test taker. :)

15/7/05 00:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody actually complained about that???? That gives me total sad face.

15/7/05 19:04  
Blogger DCveR said...

bees knees: some people take themselves too seriously

female artist: I actually meant it as a joke, either I do something out of satisfaction or I don't do it at all, money doesn't really buy my mind, if those people have such great ideas for posts let them write, let them post...

17/7/05 00:50  

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