The speed of light is a lot faster than the speed of sound.
This is the reason why some people actually seem smart until you do listen to them.
This is one of the things I've learned very early in my life.
Like any other law of physics, from linear mechanics or optics to electromagnetism or thermodynamics, it's predicting power is greatly reliable.
This is the reason why some people actually seem smart until you do listen to them.
This is one of the things I've learned very early in my life.
Like any other law of physics, from linear mechanics or optics to electromagnetism or thermodynamics, it's predicting power is greatly reliable.
Very true.
Oh BTW, that advice was worth a million. Sigh.... if only you had made it a pay-per-post blog. ;)
Speaking of actually listening to someone: I remember a job I had, in tv, a while back...taping a man's speech, he was charming, dazzling.
Then I had to go back over his speech, edit, for the tv public.
What a task.
Listening to him carefully now, I realised he repeated himself, didn't have many different points to make, it was basically one point, said in different ways.
He was a bright man, but not practical.
There are quite literally millions of men I did not sleep with after judging them solely by the sound of their voice. Does that make me shallow?
hmm dcver are you perhaps refering to someone at work? :)
Ms. bees knees, i dont think ur shallow, i would not be able to go out with a guy that had a voice which i couldnt stand.
i dont mind stupid people- as long as they're not ugly :) haaaaha
sorry- i know that subject is closed--
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anoop: sorry, it seems we're not getting rich after all
GG: doesn't sound all that brilliant to me
bees knees: why? is there a standard measure of what is attractive ?
ale: yup someone from work, and don't worry, there are no closed subjects here
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